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International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management

ICLARM, as an autonomous, non-profit international research centre, undertakes activities, related to those of NACA in the areas of aquaculture research, training and information.

ICLARM's three primary aquaculture research thrusts are in genetic improvement of tropical freshwater fish, tropical integrated aquaculture-agriculture farming systems, and coastal aquaculture of tropical molluscs.

As mentioned at this meeting last year, ICLARM is interested in developing collaborative activities with NACA institutions. We have approached NACA on how this can be brought about and look forward to discussing appropriate mechanisms.

In training, ICLARM has made modest contributions to NACA's regional socio-economics training course and to the senior aquaculturists course, and will continue to assist where possible.

ICLARM maintains good information exchange with NACA centres and research personnel, which we hope will continue.

We thank NACA for the invitation to attend this meeting and wish the Network success in the coming year.

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