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Annex XXV

Mr. Vo Van Trac
Vice Minister of Fisheries

I am pleased to inform you that the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has decided to accede to the Agreement on the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific.

On behalf of the fishery sector of Vietnam and the Vietnamese Delegation I express our sincere gratitude to NACA, to other international organizations and countries who have helped the fishery sector of Vietnam develop, and to those that facilitated our attending this important meeting.

With a seacoast of over 3,000 km and more than 1 million ha of water surface area, Vietnam has a great potential for fishery development. Having numerous species of fish, shrimp, molluscs, seaweeds and other special aquatic products, our resources are a good base for the development of both capture and culture fishery.

The Vietnamese people have a saying: “Rice with fish is like mother with children.” Aquatic products are a common and necessary item in the Vietnamese diet as well as valuable export commodities.

Along with strengthening marine capture fishery, production of which is allowable up to 1 to 1.5 million tons per year, our policy is to promote both freshwater and brackishwater aquaculture aimed at considerable production increase in aquaculture for meeting the food requirements of the people and export.

At present, production from aquaculture comprises about 30 per cent of the total fishery output. We intend to increase it to 50 per cent by the year 2000.

NACA has assisted us in some aspects such as training of technical personnel and exchange of information. We consider it necessary to strengthen cooperation between countries in the region in order to solve existing problems in aquaculture in each country. There is need to upgrade research capability, train more people, transfer technology through exchange of specialist and information and other means in order to serve aquaculture development in each country and the whole region. Forms of cooperation should always be suitably developed to achieve practical effectiveness.

We believe that NACA will be sufficently effective to contribute considerably to aquaculture development in the region, with the active participation of governments and further assistance from UNDP, FAO, other international organizations and other countries. Vietnam is prepared to actively and effectively participate in this cooperation.

We have received and are receiving some projects in aquaculture assisted by the UNDP/FAO Interim Mekong Committee. Our research institutions and production units are trying their utmost to upgrade their development level. It is our intention to use some of these institutions for regular linkage with NACA and to serve the objectives of the intergovernmental NACA.

Regarding financial contribution to NACA, taking into account standards and our practical abilities, we suggest that Vietnam be in the Group V in the Proposed Schedule of Government Contributions to NACA.

Allow me once again to express our sincere gratitude to the international organizations and other governments who have been assisting in development of Vietnam's fishery.

I wish the Meeting success and practical results in starting NACA's activities aimed at further development of aquaculture in each country and in the whole Asia-Pacific region.


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