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Item 3(f) of the Provisional Agenda


Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7 - 11 October, 2002


Secretariat Note


1. The XII World Forestry Congress will be held from 21 to 28 September 2003 in Quebec City, Canada, and has as its theme Forests, source of life. Within this overarching programme, the technical programme will include:

Congress Theme A - Forests for People

2. Address the many expectations that people place on forests and focus on how different socio-cultural values influence the way that forests are perceived and managed.

Congress Theme B - Forests for the Planet

3. Examine the state of the world's forests and their capacity to provide a wide range of goods and services and fulfil essential functions.

Congress Theme C - People and Forests in Harmony

4. Identify improvements to institutions and policies necessary to move forward.

General Information

5. The World Forestry Congress serves as a forum to exchange views and experiences and to discuss a wide range of factors impacting forestry and the pursuit of sustainable forest management. It is open to participants from all member countries of FAO as well as the United Nations and any of its specialized agencies.

6. The Congress is not an intergovernmental meeting and has no formal country delegations. Still, as a key international forestry event, an emphasis is given to a sense of ownership from all constituencies in all geographic regions. While the recommendations of the Congress are non-binding, the outcome of each Congress is brought to the attention of the FAO Conference.

7. Canada and FAO are giving special attention to encouraging high quality voluntary papers and posters from the range of interested parties throughout the global forestry community. It is very important that papers are received from all regions and countries, so that this is truly a World Forestry Congress. These contributions enrich the exchange of scientific information; increase our understanding of the role that traditional knowledge plays in sustainable forest management; and promote greater awareness of specific conditions that exist at regional and sub-regional levels. Delegates to the Latin American and Caribbean Forestry Commission are encouraged to submit voluntary papers to the Congress, and to disseminate information about the Congress to as many people in the region as possible.

8. The Congress will be organized in plenary sessions, working groups and poster sessions, aiming to keep groups small in order to encourage productive discussions. Activities before and during the event will be accessible electronically to promote involvement of interested parties not able to participate in person.

9. The Congress will feature exhibits, a number of associated events and study tours both during and after the event. The Congress will offer interpretation in English, French and Spanish during plenary sessions with the main background documents provided in those same languages.

10. Details of the technical programme can be found at the website for the Congress  alongside information on the registration process, side events and call for voluntary papers. Additional printed copies of Congress materials will be provided at the session of the Commission.

11. Although FAO cannot provide financial assistance for participation in the XII World Forestry Congress, the host country is exploring various possible forms of support with potential sponsors, informing individuals and groups of eligibility requirements once these are established. Individuals who seek financial assistance to participate in the Congress should contact the Secretariat in Quebec.

12. Further information can be obtained from the Secretariat, World Forestry Congress 2003, 800 Place d'Youville, 18eme étage, Quebec, Canada G1R 3P4. Fax: +1 418-694-9922; e-mail: [email protected]; website:

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