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Dlamini, C.S. 1998. Provenance and family variation in germination, early seedling growth, fruit composition and seediness in Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) Hochst. sub-species caffra (Sond). Kokwaro (Anacardiaceae)- The Marula. MSc. Thesis, University of Stellenbosch. Unpublished.

Dlamini, C.S. 2000. Germplasm improvement in indigenous fruit trees of Swaziland. In Proceedings of SADC technical workshop on indigenous fruit trees, held in Namibia.

GOS. 1998 National Land Policy (Draft). Government of Swaziland, Mbabane.

Hess, P., Foster, H. & Gwaitta-Magumba, D. 1990. Report on national forest inventory of Swaziland. Swazi-German Forest Inventory and Planning Project (SGFP) PN85-2204.7 - 03-108.

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Kenene, I.S. & Nkosi, B.S. 1998. A survey of information on the botanical diversity of Swaziland. Ministry of Tourism and Communication, Swaziland Environmental Authority, final consultancy report, Mbabane.

Mander, M. 1998. The value and commercialization potential of biodiversity in Swaziland. Prepared for Swaziland Environment Authority of United Nations Development Programme, Mbabane.

MOAC. 1992 National Forest Research Plan. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mbabane.

MTEC. 1999. Swaziland national biodiversity strategy and action plan. Ministry of Tourism and Communication, Swaziland Environmental Authority, Mbabane.

NPDP. 1996. Swaziland National Physical Development Plan. Volumes 1 and 2. Mbabane.

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SEAP. 1997a. Swaziland Environment Action Plan. Volume 1. Ministry of Tourism and Communication, Swaziland Environmental Authority, Mbabane.

SEAP. 1997b. Swaziland Environment Action Plan. Volume 2. Ministry of Tourism and Communication, Swaziland Environmental Authority, Mbabane.

Sweet, R.J. & Khumalo, S. 1994. Range resources and grazing potential in Swaziland. MOAC/FAO/UNDP. Livestock subsector review and range resources survey. TCP/SWA/2353, Mbabane.

Zobel, B. & Talbert, J. 1984. Applied forest tree improvement. John Wiley and Sons, NewYork.

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