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I. Términos de referencia.

1.1. Bajo la dirección del líder del proyecto, el consultor es responsable de la identificación de los mejores subproductos provenientes de la agricultura, para ser utilizados en el cultivo semi-intensivo de camarones peneidos.

1.2. Recomendar alternativas para el incremento de la productividad de los estanques en favor del crecimiento de los camarones.

1.3. Apoyar en la determinación de reducciones de costo de los alimentos a través del mejoramiento de las prácticas y procedimientos de operación.

1.4. Entrenamiento del personal del proyecto en el área de alimentos y alimentación de camarones peneidos.

El itinerario de viaje así, como el personal entrevistado tanto en Roma, Italia, como en Maputo, Mozambique, se encuentra relacionado en el Anexo I.


The project FAO/MOZ/86/033 at Maputo, Popular Republic of Mozambique was visited under the following terms of reference:

1. Under the general directions of the project leader (MOZ/86/033), there was a requirement, to determine and identify the best agriculture subproducts to be utilized in semi-intensive shrimp culture.

2. To recommend ways of enhancing pond productivity to favour growth of shrimps.

3. To assist in determining cost reductions of food through improvements of operating practices and procedures.

4. Training of local staff in food and feeding of shrimp culture.

Under the above a survey of the local industry and the main institutions dedicated to a food and feed manufactured at the city of Maputo, Mozambique was carried out. Evaluations in other cities in interior of the country was impossible due to the security rules established by the Mozambican Goverment due to the war.

In Matola, one of the most suitable alternatives for the development of shrimp diets at industrial level was identified. This is the Cia Industrial da Matola, the most important feed manufacturer in the country, (the industry belongs to the government). Other institutions related to the food industry were visited and their products and subproducts with potential for the aquaculture were listed, but their limited output levels and the requirements for processing the by-products produced were elements that suggests its potential use in a small scale farm or rural aquaculture. Any of those products were found at levels high enough to supply an industrial feed production of diets for commercial shrimp culture. The products not available at industrial level at the local market in enough quantities and with standard quality were fish meal, mineral and vitamin mixes. There are currently imported from abroad by the industrial company of Matola to supply the poultry feed industry at Maputo. After explanaining the requirements in shrimp feeds for the near future, and establishing the priorities, the plant was very interested in opening soon new lines of feeds that could include shrimp diets.

The interest shown by the Cia. Industria da Matola, in the shrimp feed manufacture permitted us to carry out some assays to produce the first practical diets and evaluate basic production costs besides, starting training people in practical feed production at a pilot scale level and some experimental work at the shrimp project in Costa do Sol.

It is strongly recommended that the facilities already developed by the Cia. Industrial da Matola, be used to develop diets for shrimp feeds at an industrial level. This will allow the supply in the sort term of a good quality shrimp food at the lowest prices in the region with a considerably small investment compared with that involved in the creation of a totally new plant devoted exclusively to develop shrimp rations as suggested at the stage of the project planning.

Following the first approaches to de Cia. Industrial da Matola, the project leader took the first steps to establish a link between the project and the Cia. Industrial. This would enhance the alternatives by producing diets at industrial levels at competitive prices compared with those feeds imported from other countries, he also decided to get the advise of a local nutritionist directly for the project.

A training program was established at the Project, with theoretical lectures and practical elaboration of shrimp feeds at laboratory scale. Various computer programs were used as tools for teaching the therory of balancing diets, as well as data management of shrimp growth and environmental parameters required as basic tools for the evaluation effects of feeding on growth. Methodology for satiation feeding at the shrimp ponds was established in order to optimize the methods of feeding and avoid mistakes during feeding, mistakes that could be highly detrimental to the economy of the project.

A basic food production laboratory was implemented to train technicians with a capacity to produce 20 kg of shrimp pellets/day. This ammount could immediately help to start the experimental program of feeding of a semi-intensive shrimp culture. Those people trained in laboratory feed manufacturing are capable preparing diets following a formulations already developed. The laboratory is now producing the formulations already established.

A list of recommendation to enhance the productivity of shrimp in the project are included in the report, as well as some practical diet formulations for semi- intensive shrimp culture at 5 shrimps/m2 and intensive culture at 10 shrimps/m2. The diets were designed an manufactured, using the localy available materials at market prices, simulating a standard line of production, form the Cia. Industrial da Matola. Calculating all taxes and other expenses realistic costs werw evaluated and a series of comparisions with other national or imported shrimp feeds were carried out. Prices of the feeds produced, were more than 100% cheaper than the imported ones.

Designs of laboratories and some equipment for the food laboratory are included.

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