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4. Visits to Project States

4.1 Madhya Pradesh State

4.1.1 Demar (25 ha) - Raipur District

Construction started:October 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:June 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth worksOctober 1982May 198485
2.Gate and division box structures May 198465
3.Water supply: April 198440
3.1Tube wells April 198450
3.2Pumps for tube wells March 1984-
3.3Overhead tank April 198415
3.4Plumbing April 19845
4.Approach road not required 
5.1Indoor hatchery April 198490
5.2Storage May 198495
5.3Office May 198480
5.4Staff quarters June 198460
5.5Generator house April 1984-
5.6Pump houses April 19845
6.1Extension of power line  100
6.2Internal power line, including standby generator April 198410
7.Fencing June 1984-

B. Observations

  1. The progress and quality of workmanship in the construction of the buildings are adequate (excepting the overhead tank). All the buildings can be completed by the expected date if the Contractor continues to provide the existing number (20–30) of daily labourers.

    The hatchery is nearing completion, according to the approved plan. The work on hatching cisterns is under progress. However, old wooden moulds which have been provided are not suitable for such works. The construction of the overhead tank is very slow and is causing some problems to the Contractor. The RCC columns had to be strengthened again, with the result that they are not quite vertical. Two stagings have been completed.

    The generator house has not been started.

  2. Three ponds have been almost completed (one of which is being filled with water) and fifteen ponds are being constructed. For compaction of the dikes three tractors each with a separate sheepsfoot roller have been provided by the FSDC to the Contractor. To control the compaction work a small soil testing kit was supplied by the FSDC to the Assistant Engineer who is supervising the pond construction. Based on the data recorded in the inspection book and observations at the site, the dikes have been properly compacted. Progress in the levelling of the pond bottom is much better than found in October 1983. The daily number of labourers was only 250 in February, which is not enough for completion of all the ponds and canals. To achieve better progress in the earth works, this matter was discussed with the Contractor. It was agreed that the daily number of labourers would have to be increased to:

    400 labourers by 6 February
    600 labourers by 13 February
    800 labourers by 20 February

  3. Different types of subsidiary gates and division boxes have been built with two, and in some cases, only one tower. The single towers of the subsidiary gates are located at the external side of the ponds so that they cannot be properly utilized for both water management and harvesting of the ponds.

  4. Six tube wells were drilled, of which four were completed with the following yield:

    Tube Well No. 110 000 gal/hour
    Tube Well No. 217 240 gal/hour
    Tube Well No. 3635 gal/hour
    Tube Well No. 41 728 gal/hour

Tube wells Nos. 1 and 2 can be used for supplying water to the indoor hatchery. To fill up the ponds, additional surface water has to be ensured from the Saja Distributory on account of the low yields of the tube wells.

C. Recommendations

All the problems and questions arising from the construction works and detailed plans, as well as the Consultant's observations given below, to speed up the progress of construction and improve the quality of workmanship, were discussed with the FSDC's Chief Engineer and Executive Engineer during the site visit.

  1. To provide proper surfaces for the hatching cisterns, prefabricated steel moulds must be used. The brick platform between the cisterns should be raised by 30 cm and topped with cement concrete 1:2:4, 5 cm thick minimum.

  2. To control the out-flow of the cisterns, valves for the collection pipes may be provided instead of using wooden plugs.

  3. The open collecting channel has to be covered with RCC precast slabs. Wherever the collection boxes are located they must be covered with iron gratings.

  4. To control the water level in the collecting channel, two pairs of grooves will have to be provided at its outlet end.

  5. To drain the collecting channel properly, the diameter of the drain pipe should be 30 cm. Of course, proper drainage should be ensured around the indoor hatchery.

  6. The generator house, to be located between the existing transformer poles and the perimeter bund, should be ready by 15 April. This must be of steel tubular trusses with AC sheet roofing, surrounded with 20 cm thick brick wall, with sufficient area for the generator set and control panel.

  7. Tube wells Nos. 1 and 2 will have to be used as water sources to the indoor hatchery. The connecting pipelines (minimum diameter of 10 cm) from these tube wells up to the overhead tank should, therefore, be procured and laid down as soon as possible.

  8. Due to the low yields of the tube wells, additional surface water from the Saja Distributory must be ensured to fill up the ponds. The proposal of an open feeder channel was examined. After visiting the site the location of the inlet structure and alignment of the feeder channel were marked out. To prevent any problems in land acquisition, it was agreed to provide two manholes and a hume pipeline with a diameter of 60 cm. The tower of the division box to which the pipeline can be connected should be located inside the central channel. Depending on the water level in the Saja Distributory, water may be supplied by gravity or additional pumping. In this case the pump has to be installed in the division box.

  9. The rest of the gates and division boxes have to be built with only one tower. However, these towers should be located in the ponds or at the upstream side of the central channel.

  10. Ponds P1 to P7 and P26 to P32 should be completed. The dike dressing, including grassing and bottom levelling, should be carried out according to the specifications. In order to avoid irregular depressions on the pond bottoms, excavation in the ponds should be carried out in two steps. First a rough excavation has to be done using pre-set pegs which indicate the required depths of the excavation on the top of each as bench marks. Having done this, final levelling must be supervised and checked by the Assistant Engineer.

  11. Excess earthwork can be used for widening the perimeter bunds and flattening the inner slopes of the pond bunds as well as building smaller compartments for breeders in pond P16. For draining of these small ponds, 10 cm torndown pipes laid at the base of the partition bunds should be provided.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order to operate this hatchery in the next spawning season, it is necessary that the following be arranged:

  1. The necessary number of steel moulds for the construction of the hatching cisterns should be provided to the Contractor by the end of March.

  2. The water supply system, including the overhead tank, should be ready by 15 April.

  3. The secondary power line to the buildings and the pump house must be ready by 10 April.

  4. The drainage canal and central channel have to be completed, including the division box DBO and Ponds P1 to P7 and P26 to P32, by 15 April.

  5. Ponds P23 to P24 have to be filled up for breeders by 1 April, as discussed at the site.

4.1.2 Salud Hatchery (10 ha) - Durg District

Construction started:December 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:December 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.EarthworksDecember 1982June 198480
2.Gate and division box structures June 198460
3.Water supply June 1984-
4.Approach road June 198450
5.1Indoor hatcheryJune 1984June 19845
5.2Storage June 1984-
5.3Office June 1984-
5.4Staff quarters December 1984-
5.5Generator house May 1984-
5.6Pump house May 1984-
6.1Extension of power line March 1984-
6.2Internal power line, including stand-by generator June 1984-
7.Fencing December 1984-

B. Observations

  1. The progress of construction is very slow. There were only 90 labourers on 4 February. In December and January, the average number of daily labourers was 80 and 130 respectively, which was much less than needed.

  2. The quality of the earthworks varies according to the dikes built. Where the compaction of the dikes had not been carried out properly the slopes of the dikes slid down during the last monsoon.

  3. The quality of the construction of the gates and division boxes is very poor. The walls and grooves are not vertical or smooth enough and, therefore, they cannot be operated properly. The small steel slabs used for moulds are not adequate to ensure proper surfacing. In plastering the grooves all the faults can be covered, but this will only be a temporary solution.

C. Recommendations

  1. To achieve better progress in the earthworks, the daily number of labourers must be increased from 90 to 400. The Contractor agreed to try to increase the number of labourers the following week and by 15 February hoped to have 400.

  2. The drainage canal, central channel and peripheral drain for the building area should be completed before the start of the rainy season.

  3. The pond bottoms should be levelled in the same manner as those proposed for Demar hatchery.

  4. The excess earth may be deposited on the extension of the central channel in the residential area and around the office and hatchery building, and also used for widening the perimeter dikes and flattening of inner and outer slopes (ratio 1:3) of the dikes in the water storage pond.

  5. The berms in Pond No. 5 can be left as they are, but they must be straightened and sloped.

  6. The cavities found on the bottom of the water storage pond have to be filled up with excess earth.

  7. To speed up construction of the buildings, steel trusses and AC sheet roofing are proposed. The roof of the hatchery and store buildings should slope towards the road and Pond No. 19.

  8. The circular tanks in the hatchery building may be built of bricks with walls 20 cm thick, reinforced with iron bars and set on a RCC foundation slab, 20 cm thick minimum. The central outlet pipes of the circular tanks to the collecting channel should be 100 mm, fixed with valves. The valves must be installed at the collecting channel side.

  9. Recommendations regarding the hatching cisterns and the collecting channel are the same as those given for Demar hatchery.

  10. The generator house has to be built next to the store building by the central channel side facing the road.

  11. The proposal of the water supply from the Tandula main canal to the central channel was discussed and due to the shortage of available land from the land owners the proposed hume pipeline with a diameter of 600 mm is acceptable. To reduce the length of the underground pipeline, the sump well may be built nearer to the existing PWD road. The diameter of the sump well should be only 4.0 m instead of 7.0 m as proposed in the drawing. The floor level of the sump well should be 1 m below the bed level of the inlet pipe. In place of DB Zero a 600 mm pipe will have to be provided between the sump well and the central channel with a floor level of RL 313.123 m. A steel gate for regulating water flow must also be provided inside the sump well. An iron ladder and a manhole should be provided in the sump well for inspection work.

  12. As surface water has to be supplied to the indoor hatchery, a filter system must be built to provide water of adequate quality for operation of the indoor hatchery. The sluice gate of the filter system must be built into the water storage pond as discussed at the site. The filter chamber of 8.2 × 3.1 m has to be located at the downstream side of the sluice gate. There should be a sump well of 2.0 × 0.6 m in the filter chamber from which the filtered water can be pumped up to the cooling tower. The bed of the sump well should be 0.5 m lower than the floor level in the filter chamber. The inner height of the filter basin must be minimum 1.2 m, but its top level should be 0.5 m higher than the final ground level. Six openings are needed in the filter system with spans of 1.0 m each. The pipe diameter of the sluice gate should be minimum 30 cm. Its design should be similar to the subsidiary gates, but if the height of this sluice gate is more than 3.0 m its foundation slab should be 1.5 m wide. A baffle wall must be provided at the exit side of the sluice gate pipe to arrest the high velocity flow from the storage pond to the filter basin.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order to operate this hatchery in the next spawning season, the following should be arranged:

  1. water supply and filter systems should be ready by 20 April

  2. the secondary power line to the buildings and the pump house must be ready by 15 April

  3. the water storage pond and two ponds for breeders will have to be filled up by 1 May.

4.1.3 Umrar Hatchery (10 ha) - Shadol District

In view of permeable strata encountered at the site, a trial test pond was constructed with a clay blanket of 40 cm thick. The size of the pond bottom is 5.0 × 5.0 m and the dikes were constructed as per specifications recommended, with slopes of 1:2, 2.5 m height and crown width of 2.0 m. The clay blanket and the dikes were compacted manually by wooden hand rammers, and the pond was filled up to 2.0 m. According to daily observations conducted by FSDC at the site, the daily water losses in the test pond have been as high as 190 mm at the beginning and 175 mm at the end of one week's test period. Considering that these values are much higher than the accepted 2 cm, it would be a big risk to build any ponds on this site. The additional sites identified along the existing irrigation canal have to be investigated as soon as possible. The willingness of owners to part with their land must be examined first, and if the results of the soil and topographic surveys indicate that the selected sites are suitable for construction of a hatchery, then only will detailed plans be prepared and submitted for approval to the CPU.

4.2 Orissa State

4.2.1 Chiplima Hatchery (10 ha) - Sambalpur District

Construction started:March 1983
Expected operation of hatchery:May 1985
Expected completion:June 1985

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth worksMarch, 1983May 1985-
2.Gate and division box structures December 1984-
3.Water supply December 1984-
4.Approach road June 1984-
5.1Indoor hatchery June 1984-
5.2Storage May 19842
5.3Office December 19842
5.4Staff quarters December, 19841
5.5Fencing         June, 1985-
6.1Extension of power line         June, 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator December, 1984-

B. Observations

  1. The progress of the works is practically negligible.

  2. The earth works in the pond were started from the end of the central channel where excavation was difficult because of the seepage water.

  3. It seems that the Contractor will not be able to complete this project by the expected time, nor provide the quality of workmanship required.

  4. One tube well is being drilled.

  5. The pits of the foundations for the buildings have been started.

  6. The number of labourers was only 83 on 8 February 1984.

C. Recommendations

In order to reduce the construction cost and to improve the detailed plans, as well as to speed up the very slow progress of works, the Consultant recommends that the following be considered during the execution of this hatchery:

  1. A 50 m wide approach road to the central channel should be built on top of the dike between P16 and P17 for the installation of the water supply pipeline to the central channel.

  2. One culvert has to be provided under the approach road at the junction of the perimeter dike.

  3. An adequate slope and bed protection should be provided at the inlet point of the water supply pipe in the central channel.

  4. To ensure proper drainage of the central channel, a gradient of 10 cm is required.

  5. A drainage canal with a bottom width of 1.5 m should be provided towards the existing drain.

  6. There should be only three division boxes located at the outlet point of the central channel and between P3 and P4 as well as P6 and P7.

  7. Considering that the content of the dissolved oxygen of the pumped water from the tube well will be lower than required for the operation of the indoor hatchery and to ensure the continuous water supply to the basins, one overhead tank is required, with a volume of 30–40 m3 as proposed by the I.D.A. Mission in Aide Memoire dated 30 April to 18 May, 1983. The difference in elevation of 6.5 m between the plinth level of the hatchery building and the bottom of the overhead tank is necessary. With a cover, it can be utilized also for domestic purposes.

  8. The earth work done at present has to be stopped and continued from the out let point of the central channel. To save time, the subsidiary gates and division boxes have to be constructed first and then the dikes can be built. A tractor with a sheeps-foot roller can cross over the pipes if they are covered with a hand-compacted earth layer of 60 cm.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. In order to achieve proper progress in the construction works, a more suitable Contractor has to be provided, or the work taken over from this Contractor.

  2. Considering the large amount of earth work (96 000 m3) the daily labourers required are as many as 500 to 800 or two bulldozers with 100 labourers.

  3. Pipes needed for the gates have to be transported and deposited at the sites as soon as possible. Other materials required (bars, moulds, chips, etc.) should be provided continuously.

  4. Of the buildings, the indoor hatchery and storage buildings must be built first. The foundations of the other buildings should be completed.

  5. The approach road should be started as soon as possible.

  6. A power line has to be connected to the site by 1 June 1984.

  7. The water supply arrangement should be decided upon and works started in mid-March.

  8. To control progress of the construction works, a detailed bar chart showing the construction programme, including the completion date, required number of labourers, equipment, materials, etc., is to be prepared.

  9. A separate Assistant Engineer should be posted full-time to this site.

4.2.2 Binika Hatchery (10 ha) - Bolangir District

Construction started:February, 1983
Expected operation of hatchery:May, 1984
Expected completion:June, 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth worksMarch 1983June 198430
2.Gate and division box structures May 1984-
3.Water supply May 1984-
4.Approach road  90
5.1Indoor hatchery June 1984-
5.2Storage April 1984-
5.3Office May 198415
5.4Staff quarters May 198415
5.5Fencing June 1984-
6.1Extension of power line May 1984-
6.2Internal power line, including standby generator   

B. Observations

  1. The progress of works is very slow.

  2. The number of labourers was 80 on 9 February 1984.

  3. The earth works in the pond have only been started on the left side of the central channel.

  4. The construction of the gates has not been started.

  5. The temporary shed has been completed. Apart from the indoor hatchery foundations are underway for the other buildings.

  6. The approach road has been completed without the three culverts required.

C. Recommendations

  1. In order to provide an adequate road to the site, the culverts of the approach road must first be constructed.

  2. The drainage canal crossing the existing tank and the central canal should be excavated before the monsoon season.

  3. The existing tank which is divided into three compartments, could be used as a holding tank for donor fish and as a storage reservoir to the indoor hatchery if the groundwater potential does not meet the requirements.

  4. Recommendations regarding the constructions of structures in the ponds and overhead tank are the same as given for the Chiplima Hatchery.

  5. The hatchery building is proposed to be built near the outlet point of the central channel on the dike of the existing tank. To save construction time of this building, AC roofing with steel trusses may be provided, if the costs are the same or less than design. To operate this hatchery in the next spawning season, the walls may be completed after the rainy season.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. In order to ensure better progress in the construction works, FSDC should negotiate with the Contractor to increase the present daily number of labourers from 300 to 500 or hire two bulldozers as soon as possible.

  2. The culverts required under the approach road should be built by the end of February.

  3. Actions regarding the construction of the indoor hatchery, storage buildings, overhead tank, and gates, should be the same as proposed for the Chiplima Hatchery.

  4. The storage building with two closed rooms and one bigger room with three walls is suggested to be built in Pond P6 where the hatchery was proposed close to the approach road.

  5. Considering the high estimate (Rs. 8.50 lakhs) of the water supply system from River Mahanadi and the difficulty of its construction, it is recommended that the existing irrigation canal as a main water source has to be investigated.

  6. One tube well, located as marked out at the site nearby the hatchery building, should be drilled as soon as possible.

  7. The power line has to be extended to the hatchery building by mid-May.

  8. A detailed bar chart, as proposed for Chiplima Hatchery, has to be prepared.

4.2.3 Saramanga Hatchery (14 ha) - Balasore District

Construction started:November 1983
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:September 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth works12 December 1983June 198425
2.Gate and division box structures June 1984-
3.Water supply March 1984-
4.Approach road June 198470
5.1Indoor hatchery12 December 1984May 198410
5.2Storage8 February 1984March 19842
5.3Office1 February 1984May 19845
5.4Staff quarters1 February 1984July 19845
5.5Fencing-June 1984-
6.1Diversion and extension of power lines-March 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator May 1984-

B. Observations

  1. The progress of works is satisfactory.

  2. Excavation of foundations for the buildings has almost been completed.

  3. The number of labourers was 250 on 12 February 1984.

C. Recommendations

It seems that this hatchery will be the first which can be taken over for operation. The following, therefore, should be considered to achieve the best progress in construction works.

  1. One tube well located near the inlet point of the central channel should be sunk as soon as possible.

  2. Construction of the gates has to be started from the inlet point of the central channel.

  3. The dikes and gates of the central channel should be completed from the inlet point to the first division box.

  4. The pond bottoms should be levelled properly.

  5. To achieve better compaction in the construction of dikes, more water must be provided on each layer of earth.

  6. As the Contractor will increase the number of labourers from 250 to 500 by the end of February, all materials needed for the construction of gates will have to be supplied.

  7. The inlet division box should be omitted. Instead of this only slope and bed protection should be provided at the inlet point.

  8. The centre approach road to the central channel should be omitted and the internal road required to the hatchery building should be extended to the central channel.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. In order to complete this hatchery and provide a working area for the Contractor, the compensation for private land acquisition has to be arranged by 1 April.

  2. One tube well has to be drilled as soon as possible.

  3. Diversion from the ponds and extension of the power line to the hatchery building should be started in March.

  4. For plumbing of the hatchery building, the quantity of the proposed PVC piping and fittings should be calculated and ordered by 15 April.

    The diameter of the pipes should be as follows:

    main pipe line100 mm
    secondary pipe line on top of the basins32 mm
    valves to the hatching nets12.7 mm

  5. The overhead tank has to be built between the hatchery building and the tube well.

  6. Actions regarding the construction of the hatchery, storage building, and gates should be the same as proposed for Chiplima Hatchery.

4.2.4 Bhanjanagar Hatchery (25 ha) - Ganjam District

The construction work will start in March 1984.

A. Recommendations

  1. One tube well located on the upper land where the hatchery building will be built has to be sunk as soon as possible.

  2. The earth work in the ponds and the central channel should be started from Pond P17, as also the construction of all the gates along the channel.

  3. The location of the storage building to be next to Pond P1.

  4. The approach road should be extended along the perimeter dike to Pond P1.

  5. Private land acquisition has to be arranged by 15 April.

  6. The inlet structures to the central channels should be designed and built as soon as possible.

4.2.5 Baya Sagar Site (11 ha) - Kalahandi District

The site proposed for this hatchery is situated on the outskirts of Baya Sagar village next to the existing tank. There is electricity at the site. Soil samples from four trial pits were classified as sandy clay with clay content varying between 26 and 58 percent, and suitable for construction of the hatchery.

Before outlining detailed plans, the Consultant recommends the following:

  1. Approval for construction of a distributory canal nearby the selected site and supply of the required amount of water to the hatchery must be obtained from the Irrigation Department.

  2. One tube well has to be sunk as soon as possible to investigate the underground water potential at the site. This tube well should be located on the highest spot of land available.

  3. Topographic and soil surveys should be conducted as soon as possible.

  4. Based on results of the above surveys the alignment of the feeder canal from the distributory canal to the hatchery will have to be selected and the agreement for private land acquisition should be arranged with the owners.

  5. The pond bottom should be higher than the crest level of the spillway of the existing tank.

4.3 West Bengal State

4.3.1 Manikpara Hatchery (10 ha) - Midnapore District

Construction started:May 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:July 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth works July 198460
2.Gate and division box structures June 1984-
3.Water supply April 198470
4.Approach road June 198410
5.1Indoor hatchery May 198415
5.2Storage April 1984-
5.3Office April 198485
5.4Staff quarters April 198460
5.5Generator house April 198490
5.6Fencing July 1984-
6.1Diversion and extension of power line April 1984-
6.2Internal power line, including standby generator April 1984-

B. Observations

  1. Progress in the construction of the ponds and the indoor hatchery building has been very slow.

  2. Two tube wells located at the ends of the central canal were drilled. Their yield capacity is 17 000 and 23 000 gal/hour respectively.

  3. The number of labourers was 200 on 16 February 1984.

  4. There was only one power roller for compaction.

  5. The dikes of the ponds located at the inlet side of the central canal were under construction.

C. Recommendations

In order to improve the quality of workmanship, the Consultant recommends that the following be considered during construction of the hatchery:

  1. The drainage and central canals, including gates and division boxes, should be completed before the monsoon season.

  2. The bottom level of the clay core should be 50 cm below the pond bottom level.

  3. The pond bottoms should be levelled properly.

  4. Each layer of earth for compaction should be maximum 25 cm thick and well watered and compacted. Plants have to be removed from the foundation area of the dikes before dike construction starts.

  5. The storage building is recommended to be built near to the indoor hatchery situated along the internal road.

  6. The overhead tank, with a head of 6.50 m above the plinth level of the indoor hatchery, should be located between the existing tube well and the indoor hatchery.

  7. In the first two ponds (P1, P9) the clay blanket can be eliminated if the daily seepage losses are less than 2 cm after one month. These ponds should be completed as soon as possible and filled up to 1.50 m for stocking breeders not later than April. To increase production in these ponds, a 10 cm thick clay or topsoil is required to be spread on the pond bottoms without any compaction.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. In order to operate this hatchery by June, the two tube wells should be run by end of March or earlier to fill up two ponds for breeders and supply enough water for construction.

  2. Construction of the gates for ponds P1 and P9 should be completed by 20 March.

  3. The diversion of the power line from pond p1 and its connection to the pump house should be arranged by end of March.

  4. The plan of the overhead tank should be handed over to the Contractor before 10 March and its construction, including plumbing to the indoor hatchery, has to be completed by 10 May.

  5. Construction of the storage building must be started soon and completed by 10 April.

4.3.2 Jamunadighi Hatchery (25 ha) - Burdwan District

Construction started:May 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:December 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth worksNovember 1982December 198410
2.Gate and division box structures July 1984-
3.Water supply May 198466
4.Approach roadnot required 
5.1Indoor hatchery May 198450
5.2Storage April 198450
5.3Office April 198490
5.4Staff quarters April 198490
5.5Generator house April 198490
5.6Fencing December 1984-
6.1Extension of power line May 1984-
6.2Internal power line, including standby generator April 1984-

B. Observations

  1. The progress of work and the quality of workmanship on all of the buildings is adequate, except for the indoor hatchery and storage building. The office, staff quarters and generator house are almost complete, while only the roofing of the indoor hatchery and the walls of the storage building have been built.

  2. As work was started only at the end of January, progress in the ponds is slow. There were 500 labourers on site on 18 February.

  3. Three tube wells are ready. Discharge from these wells is as follows:

    TW-151.626 gal/hour
    TW-251.00 gal/hour
    TW-320.850 gal/hour

  4. There was only one power roller at the site.

  5. Earth work in the ponds was started on higher land where soil conditions are better.

C. Recommendations

  1. To ensure proper drainage of the deepest part of the site, drainage canals and the central canal should be excavated and completed as soon as possible.

  2. Grass and topsoil should be removed from the foundation of the bunds and pond area and deposited outside the perimeter bund. The topsoil can be used for covering the bund for grassing.

  3. After removing the top layer of mud, including plants, from the foundation areas, the bunds should be built and compacted with hand tampers up to 1.0 m in height and the power roller used for their compaction. In case the muddy top layer cannot be removed manually, small dikes should be first started along the central axis of the proposed bunds, and, while widening them on both sides, the muddy earth can be pushed out from the foundation. There should be a 20 to 30% difference in height than that designed as allowance for shrinkage.

  4. Location of the overhead tank should be between the indoor hatchery (6.5 m above the plinth level) and the pump house.

  5. Considering that the total amount of earth work required is 110 000 m3 the number of daily labourers should be increased to 800. A minimum of three power rollers should be employed.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. The pump and generator houses, including installation of the pumps and generators required, should be completed by mid-April.

  2. The indoor hatchery and overhead tank should be completed by mid-May.

  3. The existing nursery ponds should be cleaned and used for holding brood stock. All works required for this have to be completed by 10 April.

4.3.3 Paccamati-Mohalla Hatchery (10 ha) - Murshidabad District

Construction started:January 1984
Expected operation of hatchery:April 1985
Expected completion:December 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth worksJanuary 1984July 198420
2.Gate and division box structures July 1984-
3.Water supply May 1984-
4.Approach roadnot required 
5.1Indoor hatchery June 1984-
5.2Storage May 19845
5.3Office December 1984-
5.4Staff quarters December 19842
5.5Generator house April 1984-
5.6Fencing December 1984-
6.1Extension of power line December 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator December 1984-

B. Observations

  1. Progress in the construction of ponds and buildings is adequate.

  2. 300 labourers were on site on 19 February.

  3. There was only one power roller.

C. Recommendations

  1. To ensure proper drainage of this hatchery, the drainage and central canals have to be completed before the monsoon season.

  2. To provide enough water needed for construction, the two tubewells proposed should be sunk and operated by the standby generator as soon as possible.

  3. The pure sand found on pond bottoms P5, P8 and P14 should be removed and replaced with a layer of minimum 40 cm of loam, which should be well compacted. The sand can be mixed with loam and used for building bunds, or deposited outside the perimeter dikes.

  4. To ensure properly compacted bunds, there should be a minimum of two power rollers.

  5. A clay core is required along the perimeter bund. The base level should be 1.0 m below the pond bottom.

  6. The bottom of the ponds has to be properly levelled.

  7. The surface of the bunds should be turfed before the monsoon season to prevent erosion.

  8. To ensure early operation of this hatchery, the first ten ponds, including their structures, have to be completed.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

  1. Compensation has to be arranged for the farmers as soon as possible in order that work can commence.

  2. Two tube wells have to be drilled by the end of April.

  3. The construction of the indoor hatchery should start as soon as possible.

4.3.4 Egra Patna Site (10 ha) - Midnapore District

The site proposed for this hatchery is situated on the outskirts of Egra Patna village about 2 km from the P.W.D. road. There is an existing power line at the site. According to the soil test report the soil found at the site is classified as silty clay, and, therefore, is suitable for the construction of a hatchery. It seems that there is no proper drainage at the site. The proposed site covers a large tank which is a catchment area that could be utilized for drainage and irrigation purposes. To avoid the failure of this site, the following is suggested:

  1. The hatchery site should be moved towards the road. To build this hatchery, 4 to 5 ha of private land is required.

  2. A topographic survey has to be conducted to determine the possibility of proper drainage for the hatchery.

  3. Based on the topographic survey the outline plan should be prepared for approval by the CPU.

  4. To prevent any problems arising during construction, the land acquisition should be settled before starting construction work.

4.4 Bihar State

4.4.1 Bhusaula Danapur Hatchery (10 ha) - Patna District

Construction started:May 1983
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:December 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earth works25 July 1983December 198460
2.Gate and division box structures December 198410
3.Water supply (tubewells, overhead tank, plumbing) June 198440
4.Approach roadnot required 
5.1Indoor hatchery May 198440
5.2Storage4 May 1983 100
5.3Office10 September 1983May 198485
5.4Staff quarters10 September 1983May 1984-
5.5Generator house May 1984-
5.6Pump house March 1984-
5.7Fencing4 May 1983June 198495
6.1Extension of powerline March 1984  2
6.2Internal powerline including standby generator May 1984  5

B. Observations

  1. Fencing of the hatchery, storage building and the drilling of the two tubewells (with a discharge of 1.5 cusec from each) were almost complete.

  2. Progress in pond construction is very poor. All 18 ponds have been excavated, of which four are almost complete; however they are not properly levelled. Due to rain in the last four days, some ponds excavated were full of water - excavation still having to be carried out on the drainage and central canals. Construction of the gates has started with the laying down of pipes.

  3. One generator set transported to the site and left in the field should be placed in the storage building.

  4. It was reported that the average daily number of labourers was 400.

  5. Progress and quality of workmanship in the construction of the buildings, excepting the indoor hatchery and overhead tank, are adequate.

C. Recommendations

To complete this hatchery by the expected date and improve the quality of workmanship, as well as ensure its operation in the next spawning season, the Consultant recommends that the following be considered:

  1. Priority should be given to construction of the indoor hatchery and overhead tank, as work on these has been progressing very slowly.

  2. The bottom of the overhead tank should be 6.50 m above the plinth level of the indoor hatchery.

  3. Instead of a collecting channel there should be collecting basins, measuring 60 × 90 × 60 cm for each hatching tank and circular tanks. These collecting basins may be connected with a concrete pipe, 30 cm diameter, or a 30 cm wide covered channel. All collecting basins should be covered with precast RCC slabs. To control the water level in the collecting basins, two pairs of grooves located before the outlet point, have to be provided. The drain pipe should have a diameter of 30 cm.

  4. Ponds T1 and T2, including their subsidiary gates, should be completed as soon as possible, but not later than end of March, and be filled up to 1.50 m for stocking breeders.

  5. To prevent erosion on the dikes they must be turfed before the monsoon season.

  6. It would be preferable if these ponds which are almost complete, including their structures, could be finished first.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order that this hatchery is operational by the next spawning season, the following should be arranged:

  1. One of the tubewells located next to the hatchery building should be operational by the end of March or earlier to fill up Ponds T1 and T2 for breeders.

  2. It seems that the present Contractor will not be able to complete this hatchery by the required date. It is suggested that the contract be terminated and a suitable Contractor selected for finishing the work within the stipulated time. The best solution would be that the Contractor of the Sitamarhi Hatchery, who has achieved the best progress in construction of a hatchery, should take this work over as soon as possible.

  3. The extension of the power line must be arranged by the end of March.

4.4.2 Raghopur Bakhari Hatchery (10 ha) - Sitamarhi District

Construction started:27 December 1983
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:July 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earthwork27 December 1983July 198465
2.Gate and division box structuresJanuary 1984July 198420
3.Water supply (tubewells, overhead tank, plumbing) May 1984-
4.Approach road June 1984-
5.1Indoor hatchery May 198440
5.2Storage June 1984-
5.3Office May 198450
5.4Staff quarters June 198450
5.5Generator house April 1984-
5.6Pump houses April 198495
5.7Fencing February 1984 
6.1Extension of power line April 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator May 1984-

B. Observations

  1. Progress in construction of ponds and buildings has been very good.

  2. Fencing of the site and drilling of two tubewells have been completed.

  3. There was only one sheepsfoot roller at the site.

  4. There were 375 labourers on 22 February.

  5. The structural pipes of the ponds have been laid.

  6. The performance of the Contractor in the organization and progress of the different works is exemplary. The workmanship found in the construction of the buildings is of high quality.

C. Recommendations

  1. To achieve better compaction, each layer of earth for diking should be only 20 to 23 cm.

  2. Considering the fast progress in earth work, two sheepsfoot rollers are required for compaction of the dike.

  3. The drainage and central canals must be completed before the monsoon season.

  4. To ensure an earlier start of operation of this hatchery, ponds T8 and T9 including their gates, should be completed by the end of March.

  5. The pump house located at the outlet point of the central canal should be completed and the pump installed by the end of March. The power line or generator to this pump should be ready by 10 April.

  6. Recommendations regarding the construction of ponds and indoor hatchery are the same as given for the Bhusaula Danapur Hatchery.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order to ensure earlier operation of this hatchery in the next spawning season, the following should be arranged:

One of the tubewells located in the vicinity of the outlet point of the central canal should be operational by end of March to start filling ponds T8 and T9. The power line or internal power line from the generator house should be also ready, therefore, by the end of March.

4.4.3 Barwat Farm Site (10 ha) - West Champaran District

The daily seepage losses in Test Pond No. 2 were very high in the first three days (20–15–13 cm). Observations on seepage losses should be conducted continuously for a minimum of one month, as proposed by the Consultant in his report (ADCP/Cir/83/7). If the daily seepage losses after one month are less than 2 cm, this site may be recommended. An outline plan will have to be prepared.

In the meantime an alternative site where the soil and drainage conditions are better is to be identified.

4.4.4 Ashrari Hatchery (10 ha) - Begusarai District

The outline plan for this 10-ha hatchery has been approved by CPU. Having visited the site and checked the results of the soil survey, the Consultant suggests the following:

  1. The detailed plans have to be prepared and submitted for approval by the CPU by mid-April.

  2. Considering that, according to the soil survey report, soils of groups CL and ML can be found at some parts of the site, the slopes of the dikes should be minimum 1:2.5.

  3. To ensure partial operation of this hatchery in the spawning season in 1985 the following actions need to be carried out by FSDC:

4.4.5 Belgachni Site (10 ha) - Purnea District

This site is not recommended for approval due to the poor soil (sand), difficult drainage of the area, as well as the very high iron content (42 ppm) in the underground water.

4.4.6 Abdullapur Site (10 ha) - Purnea District

This alternative site is located along a river bank, but the soil condition is very poor (sand), and therefore this site is also not recommended for approval.

4.5 Uttar Pradesh State

4.5.1 Gomatinagar Hatchery (10 ha) - Lucknow District

Construction started:November 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:May 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.EarthworksFebruary 1982March 198495
2.Gate and division box structures March 198498
3.Water supply April 198480
4.Approach road -100
5.1Indoor hatchery March 198498
5.2Overhead tank May 1984-
5.3Pump houses March 198450
5.4Storage -100
5.5Generator house -100
5.6Office -100
5.7Staff quarters -100
5.8Fencing -100
6.1Extension of power line including standby generatorApril 1984April 1984100
6.2Internal power line, including standby generatorMay 1984 60

B. Observations

  1. Fencing of the hatchery, and the buildings, apart from the tanks in the indoor hatchery, are almost complete.

  2. Two tubewells sunk had a discharge of 1.5 cusec each. One pump house with a generator room has been completed, but construction of the second one has not yet started. No pumps or generators have been installed into the tubewells.

  3. The electricity power line was extended to the site from a transformer. However, no internal power lines have been provided to the buildings and pump house.

  4. Construction of the overhead tank has not yet started.

  5. All gates built with a single tower at the central canal and at the upstream side of the central canal were completed according to the original design. Three pairs of grooves were provided for these structures, one for housing a steel plate for water control, without which the gates would not be operational.

  6. The earthworks and pitching of the central canal, excepting the drainage canal, are almost ready. The pond bottoms have not been levelled. The dikes for the division boxes were being built without watering and compacting.

  7. The quality of workmanship in the construction of the buildings and pitching of the central canal is good.

C. Recommendations

To complete this hatchery by the expected date and to ensure its operation in the next spawning season, the Consultant recommends that the following be considered during the construction:

  1. Before the filling of any ponds, the pond bottoms have to be levelled properly.

  2. To prevent erosion of the dikes they must be turfed before the monsoon season. Wave protection along the FSL in the ponds may be provided to avoid any erosion on the slopes of the dikes. Slope protection is recommended around the outlet head of the gates on the pond side.

  3. No inlet well is required for the second tubewell. Only a proper slope protection is needed at the inlet point of the pipe in the central canal.

  4. An opening, measuring 0.60 × 0.80 m is recommended for the existing inlet well. Slope protection should be provided as proposed at the site.

  5. Using canal water for filling ponds through a siphon from the main canal is recommended to reduce the high seepage losses.

  6. Walking planks of RCC should be provided to all the structures.

  7. The drainage canal has to be completed as soon as possible.

  8. To ensure proper operation of the division boxes, the bottom pits in their towers should be eliminated by filling up with cement concrete 1:2:4.

  9. The surfaces of the steel angles in the grooves have to be cleaned for housing stoplogs.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order to operate this hatchery in the next spawning season, the second pump house has to be completed by end March.

Pumps have to be installed into the tubewells by end of March, and electric power lines extended to the pump house by the same date.

The overhead tank should be completed by 15 May, and, considering local conditions, be made of prefabricated steel.

4.5.2 Soraon-Pati Hatchery (10 ha) - Allahabad District

Construction started:November 1982
Expected operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:May 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works1

1.Earth worksDecember 1982March 198490
2.Gate and division box structures March 198490
3.Water supply April 198475
4.Approach road April 198485
5.Buildings March 198498
5.1Indoor hatchery March 198490
5.2Overhead tank May 1984-
5.3Storage -100
5.4Pump houses April 1984-
5.5Generator house April 1984-
5.6Office -100
5.7Staff quarters -100
5.8Fencing -100
6.Electricity: March 198450
6.1Extension of power line April 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator May 198450

1 The consultant was not able to visit this hatchery. All data was based on information given by the FSDC Chief Engineer.
The plan of the water storage tank was discussed and recommendations given by the consultant are as follows:
The outlet pipe should be vertical and located at the bottom of the tank next to the ladder of the manhole.
To ensure better aeration of water supply, the elevation of the inlet pipe should be higher by 20 cm above the FSL in the tank and a splashing screen provided under the inlet pipe.

B. Actions to be taken by FSDC

In order for this hatchery to be operational by the next spawning season, actions should be carried out as recommended for Gomtimagar Hatchery.

4.5.3 Pagla Bhari Hatchery (10 ha) - Faizabad District

Construction started:December 1983
Expection operation of hatchery:June 1984
Expected completion:July 1984

A. Progress of Civil Works

1.Earthworks April 198480
2.Gate and division box structures May 198420
3.Water supply --
4.Approach road --
5.Buildings: April 198470
5.1Indoor hatchery May 198420
5.2Overhead tank May 1984-
5.3Storage March 198475
5.4Pump houses April 1984-
5.5Generator house April 1984-
5.6Office April 198475
5.7Staff quarters April 198475
5.8Fencing March 198425
6.Electricity: April 198430
6.1Extension of power line May 1984-
6.2Internal power line including standby generator May 1984-

B. Observations

  1. Considering that construction was only started last December, progress in the construction of the buildings, water supply structures, as well as other works in the ponds, is the best in Uttar Pradesh State. The quality of workmanship is high.

  2. 45 000 m3 of earthwork has been completed.

  3. All the buildings, excepting the indoor hatchery and overhead tank, have been built up to roof level. The foundation of the indoor hatchery has been laid.

  4. The pipes for six gates have been laid.

C. Recommendations

  1. Priority should be given first to the indoor hatchery and overhead tank, then the storage building.

  2. To ensure operation of this hatchery for the next spawning season, a steel prefabricated overhead tank, having a head of 6.50 m above the plinth level of the indoor hatchery may be provided instead of an RCC overhead tank.

  3. The first two ponds including their structures have to be completed so that they can be filled up to 1.50 m depth and stocked with breeders.

  4. To provide a better and shorter drainage of the pond complex, a drainage pipeline with 90 cm diameter should be laid under one of the dividing dikes and completed before the monsoon season. For controlling the discharge of the drain as well as the water level in the central canal, an outlet gate is required.

  5. The bottoms of the ponds have to be levelled before filling.

D. Actions to be taken by FSDC

Based on the very good construction progress, this hatchery should be operational by the next spawning season. Similar actions are required to be taken, therefore, as proposed for Gomatinagar Hatchery.

4.5.4 Pipraich Hatchery (10 ha) - Gorakhpur District

Construction was started in December 1983. No progress in construction has been made due to the failure of the Contractor to mobilize labour resources. The FSDC has therefore issued a notice to the contractor for cancellation of this contract and will take up this work through another agency.

4.5.5 Gujar Tal Site (10 ha) - Jaunpur District

The proposed site covers the nursery ponds of the Gujar Tal Fisheries Station which are located along the escape canal of the Gujar Tal.

This site is not recommended for approval due to the lack of proper drainage. The proposed drainage canal would be 6 km in length, and cross a railway bridge which would have to be reconstructed. This is not possible. An alternative site close to Phoolpur may be investigated, as suggested by the Consultant. The existing ponds may be repaired and used as rearing ponds.

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