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1.1. The priorities

In the previous section, various forms of aquaculture technics and species have been described. That general approach allowed to show that the interest for the country of each technic or species is highly variable as regards:

Under these conditions, the consultants team suggests the following priorities for the development of aquaculture in Grenada :

1st priority : Development of freshwater prawn culture in Grenada;

2nd priority : Financial support to the King Crab project in Carriacou ;

3rd priority : Development of Seamoss culture in Grenada.

1.2. Justifications of the priorities

1.2.1. 1st priority : freshwater prawn

1.2.2. 2nd priority : King Crab

Although there is not yet a reliable production process, the product may eventually become of considerable interest for the country as :

Under these conditions the consultants team advises the Government to support the present King Crab project in Carriacou. Obviously the financial and contractual elements between the 2 partners is a matter of negociation (between them). However, if the technical results are confirmed, there are huge potentialities of development in Grenada and in the Caribbean region.

1.2.3. 3rd priority : seamoss

The technical elements to justify the interest of seamoss culture for the country are roughly similar to those for the King Crab. In addition, alike for the King Crab, field tests and a research program are necessary prior to a large scale production.

Under these conditions, the consultants team suggests seamoss as a third priority because the aimed market is regional only (in comparison with the King Crab aimed market of which is north-american).


2.1. Development of freshwater prawn culture

2.1.1. Role of the Government

The role of the Government is not to be involved in the production sector. Its role will be only to promote that form of aquaculture with :

2.1.2. Required initial means : THE PROJECT

a) Demonstration facilities

For achieving such an objective, it is necessary to implement in Grenada a freshwater prawn demonstration plant that will be run by the Government. That farm will consist of a small hatchery and of 5 grow-out ponds (5 ponds × 2 000 m2 each).

The hatchery will be a small one with a production capacity of about 2 millions juveniles/year. Such a capacity will allow to restock every year 10 ha of grow-out ponds i.e. :

The consultants team wants to point out the necessity of one hatchery even at an initial stage of development. As a matter of fact, experience has shown in French Guyana, Martinique and Guadeloupe that an operational hatchery (reliable local production of juveniles) is a psychological prerequisite for the investors to invest in grow-out ponds.

b) Introduction of a modern technology : technical assistance

Building a demonstration plant is far from being sufficient. It will be associated with a 2 years technical assistance program aiming at :

This point is very important as regards the transfer of the technology : during their 2 years stay in Grenada, the foreign experts will be in charge of the operation of the demonstration plant but they will also directly assist the investors as extension officers.

The required team and duration for the technical assistance program are as follows :

Team leader : experienced biologist in charge of the project design, its operation and the assistance to the investors. he will be assigned in Grenada during 2 years.

Hatchery technician : technician in charge of the operation of the hatchery. He will be assigned in Grenada during 18 months (7 months on year 1 and 11 on year 2).

Civil engineer : a civil engineer with a large experience in aquaculture projects (hatchery and grow-out ponds) will ensure punctual short missions during the project implementation phase.

c) Planning of the project : (see figure no 1)

2 years are suggested as project duration. This period includes :

It can be reasonably expected that the years 1 and 2 of the project will be respectively 1988 and 1989.

Figure No 1


d) Project cost : (see Annexes II, III and IV)

The elements of the project cost are shown on the following table.

Y E A R(1988)
Investment costs
(Annex II)
581 000  
Operating costs
(Annex III)
108 000186 100186 100
Technical assistance
(Annex IV)
582 000615 904-
Cost (basis Oct. 86)1 271 000    802 004 
Actualized cost
(inflation factor : 6 %/year)
1 388 000    928 000228 300

(in E.C.)

Investment costs:28 %
Operating costs:14 %
Technical assistance:58 %

Year 1 (1988) : 1 271 000 E.C. × 1,03 × 1,06 = 1,388,000 E.C.

Year 2 (1989) : 802 004 E.C. × 1,03 × 1,06 × 1,06 = 928,000 E.C.

e) Future of the demonstration farm

It has been clearly shown that this demonstration farm will be the governmental tool to promote the culture of freshwater prawns in Grenada and to introduce an adapted foreign technology.

However, in the future, the farm will not have to remain a source of expenses for the public sector as part of these facilities can be privatized.

Under these conditions and with the experience of the development of freshwater prawn culture in Martinique and Guadeloupe (French West Indies) the consultants team suggests :

2.2. Development and assistance to the “King Crab” project

2.2.1. Role of the Government

As previously described in section IV, 1.2.1. this King Crab project is very promising and shows large development potentialities in both Grenada and the Caribbean region.

Under these conditions the consultants team suggests the Government should financially and technically assist the private investor in setting up a reliable production process.

Obviously, the eventual shares of the Government in the business or the certainty of a return of the information (technical and financial) to the public sector will be a matter of negociation between the 2 partners.

2.2.2. Required means

After the consultants team could spend 2 days in Carriacou including :

That next pilot phase will aim at :

Most of the required information should be made available within a 2 years program.

a) Pilot facilities

The main required facilities are : one onshore hatchery-nursery, various forms of grow-out units such as pens or cages, adapted vehicles and manipulation devices and measurement equipments. The present local team will not be modified i.e. one marine biologist plus 5 fishermen.

b) Foreign technical support

There is not a foreign technology on King Crab culture that could be introduced in Grenada as that form of aquaculture exists nowhere else. However, due to the present status of the art, an input of field experience in both hatchery and grow-out technics (in cages and pens) should be very positive for the definition and the management of the pilot project.

For that reason, the consultants team suggests to include in the project 2 years of foreign technical assistance including :

2.2.3. Project cost

The elements of the project cost are shown on the following table (see Annex V for the detailed breakdown).

Investment costs253 000 
Operating costs  43 000  43 000
Technical assistance338 000312 000
Total cost (basis Oct. 86)634 000355 000
Actualized cost692 000410 000
(infl. factor : 6 %/year)  

(in E.C.)

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