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Operation schedule

The operation schedule is for a pond complex having the annual production target of 1 million fingerlings, which corresponds to that of the Hub complex. The pond pattern of the Mangla complex has been worked out before the first visit of the Aquaculture Consultant and project draft was under evaluation.

The annual water demand is computed on the basis of the following assumptions:

  1. Brood fish ponds are filled once a year.

  2. Two nursery and two rearing ponds are prepared for stocking each week. Altogether 56 pond fillings are taken into account in case of the rearing ponds. Thus the average number of pond fillings is:

in case of nursery ponds, and

in case of rearing ponds it is:

  1. The seventeenth rearing pond is excluded from the operation schedule, but its water demand is included in the calculations.

Pond filling

PondNo.Water depth mAverage area haTotal volume m3Number of fillingTotal demand m3
Brood fish pond  71.70.1720 6001     20 600
Nursery pond101.00.1010 1005.6  56 600
Rearing pond171.50.3588 6003.5310 100
Total34    387 300

Replacement of evaporation losses

The ponds operate all year round and evaporation losses are computed in due course.

Brood fish pondsJanuary – DecemberEvaporation = 2 239 mm
Nursery pondsFebruary – AugustEvaporation = 1 649 m
Rearing pondsMarch – OctoberEvaporation = 1 893 mm

Brood fish ponds2 239 mm × 1.20 ha =  26 900 m3(rounded)
Nursery ponds1 649 mm × 1.01 ha =  16 700 m3(rounded)
Rearing ponds1 893 mm × 5.93 ha =112 300 m3(rounded)
Total evaporation loss155 900 m3 

Replacement of seepage losses

Some soil investigations have been carried out on site, but they did not contain infiltration test. Therefore the seepage is only estimated with 20 mm/day seepage rate, to be on the safe side.

Brood fish pond20 mm/day × 365 days × 1.20 ha =  87 600 m3(rounded)
Nursery pond20 mm/day × 28 weeks × 1.01 ha =  39 600 m3(rounded)
Rearing pond20 mm/day × 34 weeks × 5.93 ha =282 300 m3(rounded)
Total seepage loss 409 500 m3 

Inflow due to rainfall

The ponds are filled from the Bong irrigation canal and therefore the amount of rain may only be calculated on the pond surfaces.

Brood fish pond757 mm × 1.20 ha =9 100 m3(rounded)
Nursery pond613 mm × 1.01 ha =6 200 m3(rounded)
Rearing pond634 mm × 5.93 ha =37 600 m3(rounded)
Total inflow from rainfall53 900 m3 


The annual water demand is the sum of the above amount with the appropriate sign.

Pond filling+ 387 300 m3
Evaporation loss+ 155 900 m3
Seepage loss+ 409 500 m3
Rainfall- 53 900 m3
Annual water demand898 800 m3
(rounded to)900 000 m3

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