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During the first mission, the consultant became acquainted with local conditions and status of fish culture through a series of discussions with the authorities concerned and field trips to all three Marakizes. Though the scarcity of water and poor soil texture were observed as limiting factors for the expansion of fish-culture, a number of sites along the rivers Kurang, Gumerah, Soan, and tubewell areas were identified as suitable within the areas of the ICT. Moreover, the farmers in these areas were found to be interested in fish culture along with their on-going activities of vegetable and/or poultry farming. This provides an opportunity to integrate fish culture with the activities of agriculture and animal husbandry for low-cost fish production. On the basis of suitability of the sites together with farmer's personal interest, the consultant recommended seven farmers (from the 14 sites visited and representing the three Marakizes) to the authorities concerned for final selection.

To facilitate the procedure, the consultant also prepared detailed guidelines for the implementation of project activities including criteria for selection. He hoped to know the decision regarding selection before his second visit.

Similarly, in consultation with the national counterpart, the consultant also prepared a list of equipment to strengthen the Directorate of Fisheries, ICT. It was planned to procure the equipment before the second mission, so that it could be installed on arrival of the consultant.

At the end of the first mission it was aimed to use the second mission as the implementing period, for supervising the pond construction in the private sector, installation of outdoor rearing facilities, their operation in rearing fingerlings as well as in orienting selected farmers and extension personnel to carry out the follow-up programme. Unfortunately, for various reasons neither the selection of farmers, nor the procurement of equipment went according to plan. As a result, in the second mission, the consultant had to change his working schedule and prepare a revised work plan in collaboration with national authorities (Appendix 1). In accordance with the new work schedule, the consultant explored the local markets of Lahore, Karachi, and Rawalpindi to procure the various equipment, and also undertake field trips within the ICT to identify and recommend potential sites for pond construction.

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