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In the rural areas of ICT only a few ponds exist and the fish culture activities are few. The present attempt to demonstrate the low-cost fish-farming techniques with a limited number of ponds in each Marakiz is encouraging as several sites in each Marakiz offer favourable conditions. In addition to having the necessary physical requirements, the farmer concerned has shown interest in this activity together with vegetable and poultry farming. These conditions are most conducive to low-cost fish-farming in an integrated context. However, concerted follow-up work is required to further motivate the farmer to take up this activity. To encourage the interested farmers in low-cost fish-culture in the potential rural areas of the ICT, the public sector must give higher priority by ensuring the services of:

  1. A qualified engineer to guide and supervise the proper construction of a fish pond (as most of the farmers have limited knowledge of pond construction).

  2. A bulldozer of the respective Marakiz at the Government rate to save construction costs as the rent of a bulldozer in the private sector would be much higher.

  3. Fisheries extension personnel to guide the farmer in the daily work as well as to give technical support.

The successful implementation of the present project would certainly attract more farmers into low-cost fish-farming activities in the rural areas of ICT.

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