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Hogendorn, H. 1980 - Controlled propagation of the african catfish, Clarias lazera (C.V.). III. Feeding and growth of fry. Aquaculture, 21:233–241

Spiegel, M.R. - Probabilidad y estadística. McGraw Hill, 372 pp

Steinbach, D.W. 1977 - An intensive culture system for channel catfish fingerlings. Proc.A.Conf.Southeast Assoc.Fish.Wildl.Ag., 31, 484:492

Varela, Z. 1982 - Ovulación inducida e inseminación artificial del bagre negro Rhamdia sapo. Informe Técnico No. 29, INAPE

Varela, Z., K. Fischer y G. Fabiano 1982 - Reproducción artificial del bagre negro Rhamdia sapo. Informe Técnico No. 32, INAPE

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