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4.1 Office

The main office is in Malindi, located at the Fisheries Department building. Fisheries Officers and Assistant Fisheries Officers attached to the Project hold offices here too, commuting to Ngomeni daily.

4.2 Expatriate staff

The UNDP/FAO Team Leader has been working alone since June 1981 after the last Associate Expert left.

4.3 Local staff

The Officer-in-charge of the Malindi Fisheries office heads the local staff but only attends to administrative matters connected with the Project. He is aided in this work by two assistants.

Two Fisheries Officers have been assigned as main counterparts to the FAO Team Leader. They are basically field men, responsible for implementing the construction and operation programmes. One, fielded only last July, had graduated at the African Regional Aquaculture Centre at Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Six Fisheries Assistants work directly under the two Fisheries Officers. Nine Field Assistants (casual employees) supervise the labour group, each handling one group.

The Prawn and Fish Seed Survey Team is headed by a Fisheries Assistant. It has three laboratory attendants and one fish scout as members.

The office staff comprises one secretary and one clerk-typist. A storekeeper is assigned at Ngomeni. The total number of staff members is 28.

At the fish farm, the number of workers employed varies from 150 to 250. They come from Ngomeni and other villages as far away as 5 to 10 km. Once accepted and integrated into a team, they zealously try to remain in the work force, leaving only when circumstances such as delayed payment, lack of tools, etc. prevail.

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