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Republic of Kenya. 1980. Act of Parliament (LBDA Act), Laws of Kenya, Chapter 422, Rev. Government Printer, Nairobi, Kenya.

Republic of Kenya, LBDA. 1987. The Study of Integrated regional Development Master Plan for the Lake Basin Area: Final Report. JICA.

Allsop, W.H. and M.J. Mann. 1987. Kenya: Fisheries Formulation Mission, October - November 1986. Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.

FAO/UNDP. 1988. Project Document: Development of Small Scale Fish Farming in the Lake Basin Region, Phase II. KEN/86/027, Kisumu, Kenya.

LBDA. 1990. Document: Revolving Credit Fund for Small Scale Fish Farmers. Kisumu, Kenya.

FAO/UNDP/BSF/GOK. 1991. Report of the Terminal Evaluation Mission to KEN/86/027. FAO, Rome.

Humphreys and Associates Ltd. 1993. Report on the findings and recommendations on the Revolving Credit Fund of KEN/86/027. Kisumu, Kenya.

Humphreys and Associates Ltd. 1994. Report on the findings and recommendations on the Revolving Credit Fund of KEN/86/027. Kisumu, Kenya.

FAO/UNDP/BSF/GOK. 1995. Report of Evaluation Mission to KEN/86/027. FAO, Rome.

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