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22-7-1994Government Clearance
23-7-1994Arrival in Nairobi
24-7-1994Departure for Kisumu
25-7-1994Meeting with the CTA the NPC and with technicians of the project
26-7-1994Field visit to the FPC of Alupe and Yala
27-7-1994Field visit to the FPC of Chewele
28-7-1994Field visit to the FPC of Rongo
29-7-1994Visit to Kibos fish farm
30-7-1994Preparation of the manual for the training course
31-7-1994Artificial reproduction at the FPC in Yala
1-8-1994Artificial reproduction at the FPC in Yala
2-8-1994Preparation of the training course at Kibos
3-8-1994Training course for 29 technicians at Kibos
4-8-1994Training course at Kibos
5-8-1994Training course at Kibos
6-8-1994Training course at Kibos
7-8-1994Training course at Kibos
8-8-1994Training course at Kibos
9-8-1994Artificial reproduction at the FPC in Rongo
10-8-1994Artificial reproduction at the FPC in Rongo
11-8-1994Artificial reproduction at Kibos and meeting with members of the tripartite evaluation.
12-8-1994Artificial reproduction at the FPC in Rongo and report writing
13-8-1994Report writing
14-8-1994Report writing
15-8-1994Departure to Nairobi and debriefing with FAO/UNDP in Nairobi
16-8-1994Departure to Amsterdam
19-9-1994Debriefing FAO Rome
20-9-1994Debriefing FAO Rome

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