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Project PAK/88/048: Coldwater Fish Culture in Azad Kashmir, was operational in a 12-month Preparatory Assistance phase throughout 1991. The consultant was assigned to the project for two months beginning July 15, 1991, with the following terms of reference:

  1. The consultant will study the area and assess the needs for strengthening the existing hatchery facilities.

  2. He will propose a new modest hatchery to meet the needs of the country.

  3. He will evaluate the existing fish stock and suggest the best suitable strain for parent fish stock.

  4. The consultant will test the water qualitatively and quantitatively on the basis of which he will suggest the type and size of the culture units.

  5. He will train the local staff in

    1. Hatchery management.
    2. Hatchery methods.
    3. Feed ingredients and its preparation.
    4. Feeding the fish.
    5. Carriage of fish eggs, fry, fingerlings and broodstock.
    6. Farm management.

  6. He will suggest the equipment required for hatcheries, farms and other cultural units.

  7. He will study the natural courses of water and suggest possibilities for their improvement in breeding ground and sports fisheries.

  8. He will work closely with the CTA and his counterpart in Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

  9. He will prepare a final report to the CTA upon the completion of his assignment.

Early in the mission, the consultant's assignment was extended for a further month to cover the proposed new project PAK/91/008: Coldwater Fish Culture in Northern Areas. Terms of reference for the Northern Areas work were as given above for Azad Kashmir. The consultant was also required to assist the CTA in formulation of the PA and full project document for PAK/91/008, and in re-formulation of the main project document for PAK/88/048.

Two other international consultants, for Extension and Aquaculture Engineering, were also assigned to these projects, and completed their missions earlier than the hatchery specialist. A good general description of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas was given in the report of extension consultant I. Cowx, and will therefore not be repeated here. In addition, the recommendations of the trout hatchery consultant are largely incorporated in the project documents of PAK/88/048 and PAK/91/008, which were produced during his mission, including the justification for assisting the development of trout farming in Northern Areas and AJK, target and potential size of the industry, lists of equipment required and its cost etc. The present report is intended to provide supplementary information and details not included in the documents or other consultants' accounts.

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