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2. The mission

Mr. Ulf N. Wijkström, economist in the FAO/UNDP project “Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme” and stationed in the Fisheries Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, was recruited for the consultancy. His terms of reference were as follows:

“To review on-going research work on economy of fish farming and to assist the team involved to formulate a Programme for 1982–85;

To assist the research team in developing standard methods for economic analyses of various fish production technologies (e.g. intensive pond fish culture, cage, raceway, and trout culture);

To improve methods of collecting, processing and evaluating basic data of commercial fish farms in order to elaborate proposals for more profitable operation;

To review and improve programmes of computer modelling and optimization of fish farming activities (magnitude of farms, size of ponds, feeding, polyculture ratios etc.).

Mr. Wijkström spent two periods, each of one month's duration, in Hungary: 28 May to 27 June 1981 and 9 June to 6 July 1982. The consultant was stationed at the Fish Culture Research Institute, Szarvas, where his principal counterparts were Dr. Ference Müller, economist and Director of FCRI, Mr. and Mrs. Andras Zsigri, mathematicians with the Research Department, Mr. I. Csávás, Project Manager of the FAO/UNDP project “Intensive Freshwater Fish Culture”, HUN/79/001.

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