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1. Introduction

This annex will discuss, and exemplify, the data formats proposed for the computer based system of economic analysis of fish culture activities. It concerns those formats needed for the first stage of development (see section 5.1).

The author is of the opinion that the information contained in the formats described in this annex should be sufficient for the economic analysis proposed for the first stage of system development. Naturally, however, this information would be handled by the computer making use of a much larger number of matrixes than given here. Possibly a greater number might make computer usage more efficient. If so, this will become apparent as programming work progresses.

2. Standard data formats

The five types of standard data formats are listed and exemplified in this annex: Basic Formats for Economic Data (BFEDF) Farm related; Basic Formats for Economic Data NATIONAL (BFEDN); Standard Formats for Economic Information for the culture bit (SFEI-I) and Standard Formats for Economic Information for the accounting bit (SFEI-II).

2.1 Identification

The data on culture units must be identifiable. Therefore, the data formats holding this information must be identifiable. The identification of format types should not prove a difficulty. A simple alpha-numerical code of the type used in this text can be used.

It seems logical to identify the data content of formats by providing information on one or more of the following six identifiers:

The farm related data which is physical in nature will be identified by the farm bit in all cases. This is so because output will be presented, always, for ‘farm-bits’ (even if the farm bit in question is not more than a culture bit). The farm related economic data will be identified at least by the farm bit and the period. Economic data which is not farm related will be identified by the region and the period. In practice, each standard format will be identified by one or more of the above six ‘identifiers’.

2.2. Basic Formats for Physical Data (BFPD)

There are 21 formats. They are listed in Appendix I-1. However, in reality there are only 7 different formats. That is why examples of only formats 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14 and 19 appear in Appendix I-1. Formats 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 and 21 are identical in format to one of those exemplified, the difference appearing only in the title.

Formats 5, 6, 7 and 8 are identical to the first four but relate to the enterprise bit instead of to the farm bit. Similarly, formats 9, 10, 11 and 12 are identical to the first four but relate to the ‘culture bit’ instead of to the farm bit.

Formats 13, 15, 16 and 17 are identical, the only difference being in the titles.

Formats 14 and 18 are identical, the only difference being in the titles.

Formats 19, 20 and 21 are identical, the only difference being in the titles.

2.3 Basic Formats for Economic Data Farm Related (BFEDF)

There are 10 formats (BFEDF). They are listed in Appendix I:2.

2.4 Basic Formats for Economic Data, National (BFEDN)

These are six basic formats. They are identical in layout to formats BFEDF/5 to BFEDF/10. They appear in two sub-sets: BFEDN-I and BFEDN-II. The first sub-set will contain information on normal, market prices for the area concerned. The second set will contain policy makers' estimates of appropriate ‘shadow prices’.

2.5 Standard Formats for Economic Information (SFEI)

There are 22 formats, as listed in Appendix 1:3, comprised of two sets of 11 formats. One set refers to the ‘culture bit’; the other to the ‘accounting bit’.

In each set, formats 3, 4 and 9 are basically the same; similarly formats 5, 6, 7 and 8 differ only with respect to headings.

Thus, Appendix I:3 includes examples only of formats I/1, I/2, I/3, I/5, I/10 and I/11.

3. Stage I of programming work

In chapter 5, the content of the first stage of computer programming has been proposed. It would seem advisable to:

It would be possible to do with less than this.


List of formats

BFPD-1Farm bit objective
BFPD-2Farm bit strategy
BFPD-3Farm unit assets
BFPD-4Farm unit staff
BFPD-5Enterprise bit objective
BFPD-6Enterprise bit strategy
BFPD-7Enterprise unit assets
BFPD-8Enterprise unit staff
BFPD-9Culture bit objective
BFPD-10Culture bit strategy
BFPD-11Culture unit assets
BFPD-12Culture unit staff
BFPD-13Preparation of culture unit
BFPD-14Acquisition and identity of stocking material
BFPD-15Introduction of stocking material in culture unit
BFPD-16Activities for growth maintenance of stocking material
BFPD-17Harvesting of culture units
BFPD-18Identity of fish harvested
BFPD-19Culture bit: change in assets (which it controls)
BFPD-20Enterprise bit: change in assets (which it controls)
BFPD-21Farm bit: change in assets (which it controls)

BFPD 1 - Farm (bit) Objective

1. Identification

2. Listing of objectives

SpeciesDate of harvestYear class of fishAverage weight per fish (g)Average length per fish (cm)Number of fishTotal weight of fish at harvest

BFPD 2 - Farm (bit) strategy

1. Identification

2. Farm (bit) strategy

Enterprise bits

Identification of enterprise bitsStarting dateFinishing date

BFPD 3 - Farm Unit Assets

1. Identification

2. List of farm unit assets

Vertical Horizontal
Facilities Unit of measurement
 No. of units
Equipment Age at purchase/acquisition
 Date of purchase
Material Estimated duration of useful life
 Percent of farm period (time) available to farm unit (%)
Finished goods  
Semi-finished goods  
Customers credit  

BFPD 4 - Farm unit Staff

1. Identification

2. Farm unit staff

Professional categoriesStaff
 Number at start of period
 Number added during period
 Number deducted during period
 Number at end of course
 Exclusively for use in farm unit during active farm period
 Percent of farm period time available to farm unit

BFPD 5 - Enterprise bit objective

1. Identification

2. Listing of enterprise bit objective

SpeciesDate of harvestYear class of fishAverage weight per fish (g)Average length per fish (cm)Number of fishTotal weight of fish at harvest

BFPD 6 - Enterprise bit strategy

1. Identification

2. Enterprise bit strategy

Culture units

Identification of culture unitsStarting dateFinishing date

BFPD 9 - Objective of culture bit

1. Identification

2. Listing of objective of culture bit

SpeciesDate of harvestYear class of fishAverage weight per fish (g)Average length per fish (cm)Number of fishTotal weight of fish at harvest

BFPD 13 - Preparation of culture unit

1. Identification

2. Inputs

Manpower (per category)Unit of measurement (of input)
- skilled 
- unskilledUnit through which to measure use of input
- technical 
- management 
- etc.Quantity of input used during preparation of culture unit
Equipment use 
- vehicles 
- pumpsOwned or rented equipment (yes/no)
- etc. 
 Services produced from own assets or purchase of services (yes/no)
Recurrent material 

BPFD 14 - Acquisition and identity of stocking material

1. Identification

2. Use of inputs

ManpowerUnit of measurement (of input)
-Unit through which to measure use of input
Equipment useQuantity of inputs used during aquisition of culture material
 Owned or rented equipment (yes/no)
-Services produced from own assets or purchase of services (yes/no)
Recurrent material 

3. Identity of stocking

Identification (name & species)Unit of measurement in stocking material Origin of species (place)
 Age of species (days)
 Average weight of (unit) stocking material (grams)
 Quantity of stocking material stocked per unit of culture unit
 Total kg of stocking material introduced into culture media

BFPD 15 - Introduction of stocking material in culture unit

1. Identification

2. Use of inputs

ManpowerUnit of measurement of input
-Unit through which to measure use of inputs
EquipmentQuantity of inputs used during introduction of starting material into culture unit
ServicesOwned or rented equipment (yes/no)
-Services produced from own assets or purchase of services (yes/no)
Recurrent material 

BFPD 19 - Culture bit: change in assets (which it controls)1

1. Identification

2. Identification of assets and change

FacilitiesUnit of measurement
-No. of units at start of culture period
 Addition during period
-Substractions during period
 No. of units at the end of the culture period
Recurrent material 
Finished goods 
Semi-finished goods 
Customers credit 
Banks accounts 

1 Which it does (axiomatically) for all assets that are used during the culture period


List of formats

BFEDF/1Farm Unit Liabilities
BFEDF/2Loans taken by farm unit
BFEDF/3Suppliers credit to farm unit
BFEDF/4Unit prices for recurrent inputs and services, market rates (farm specific)
BFEDF/5Unit prices for facilities and equipment, market rates (farm specific)
BFEDF/6Salaries and wages paid by farm bit
BFEDF/7Depreciation rates used by farm bit
BFEDF/8Interest rates paid by farm bit on loans taken by it
BFEDF/9Tax rates applied to farm income/property for the purpose of tax payments
BFEDF/10Unit prices for culture products (at ponds side)

BFEDF - 1 Farm Unit Liabilities

1. Identification

2. Statement of total funds (plus own capital) available to farm unit

own capitalmonetary units
 Total at start farm period
 Additions during farm period
total liabilities 
 Deductions during farm period
i total bank loans
 Total at end of farm period
ii total suppliers' credit
iii other
Total farm unit liabilities 

BFEDF - 2 Loans taken by farm unit

  1. Identification

  2. Particulars of loan


    Code no:


    Date loan effective:
    Currency unit:
    Amount of loan:

    Date of last scheduled repayment:

    Duration of loan:

    Interest rate charged (%):
    Period over which interest rate accumulated: (normally year)
    First day interest rate charged:
    List of dates and amounts to be repaid:

BFEDF - 4 Unit prices for recurrent inputs and services, market rates (farm specific)

1. Identification

2. Listing of prices

Recurrent inputsUnit of measurement of recurrent input/servicing
- feed type 1Period 1
- feed type 2 
- feed type n
price/unit of measurement
- fertilizer 
- waterPeriod 2
- etc. 
price/unit of measurement
ServicesPeriod N
- electricity
price/unit of measurement
- rented machinery 
- etc. 

BFEDF - 5 Unit prices for facilities and equipment, market rates (farm specific)

1. Identification

2. Listing of prices

Facilities (fixed)Unit of measurement of facility
- pondsPrice paid for the facility/piece of equipment
- buildings 
- roadsPresent sales price (second-hand)
- pump houses 
- silos 
- etc. 
Equipment (semi-fixed) 
- pumps 
- boats 
- vehicles 
- etc. 

BFEDF - 6 Salaries and wages paid by farm bit

1. Identification

2. Statement of wages and associated payments (conditions) at farm level

Category of staffPeriod of pay
- managementPayment to employee/period of pay
- technical 
- foremenAmount paid by employer to government/other per period of pay
- etc.  - tax
   - social security
   - pension
   - other
 Payment to employee/period of overtime
 Amount paid by employer to government/other per period of overtime pay
   - tax
   - social security
   - pension
   - other

BFEDF - 7 Depreciation rates used by farm bit

1. Identification

2. Identification of rates

Facilities (fixed)Period one:
 Value to which the depreciation rate is applied
- ponds 
- buildings 
 Period over which depreciation applied
- roads 
- pump housesRate (% of value) of depreciation
- silos 
- etc.Period two:
 Period N:

BFEDF - 8 Interest rates paid by farm bit on loans taken by it

1. Identification

2. Statement of interest rates

Long-termPeriod over which interest is accumulated
- by bank 
- other lending institutionInterest as % of principal on which interest is calculated
- by bank 
- other lending institution 

BFEDF - 9 Tax rates applied to farm income/property for the purpose of tax payments

1. Identification

2. Description of tax base and identification of tax rates

Tax baseType of tax
Unit of measurement of tax base 
Amount to be paid per unit of tax base 
Standard length of period between payments 

BFEDF - 10 Unit prices for cultured products

1. Identification

2. List of prices at farm level

cultured produce by categoryUnit of measurement of culture produce
 Average weight per individual of cultured produce
-Unit of measurement of sale
-Period 1
 - unit of money/unit of sale
ducksPeriod 2
-- unit of money/unit of sale
-Period N
-- unit of money/per unit of sale


List of formats

SFEI-I/1Assets by culture unit
SFEI-I/2Liabilities by culture unit
SFEI-I/3Costs of possession of culture unit
SFEI-I/4Costs of maintenance (marginal) of culture bit
SFEI-I/5Costs of initiating culture period, by culture bit
SFEI-I/6Costs of growth/maintenance of culture material during culture period, by culture bit (marginal costs)
SFEI-I/7Costs of termination of culture period, by culture bit (marginal costs)
SFEI-I/8Costs of use of culture unit during culture period (summary of costs in forms I/5, I/6 and I/7)
SFEI-I/9Total costs by culture bit (summary of costs in forms I/3, I/4 and I/8)
SFEI-I/10Income by culture bit; sale (barter or consumption) of cultured produce
SFEI-I/11Income by sale of assets, by culture bit

SFEI-II/1Assets by accounting unit
SFEI-II/2Liabilities by accounting unit
SFEI-II/3Costs of possession of accounting unit
SFEI-II/4Costs of maintenance (marginal) by accounting bit
SFEI-II/5Costs of initiating culture period, by accounting bit
SFEI-II/6Costs of growth/maintenance of culture material during culture period, by accounting bit (marginal costs)
SFEI-II/7Costs of termination of culture period, by accounting bit (marginal costs)
SFEI-II/8Costs of use of culture unit during culture period (summary of costs in forms I/5, I/6 and I/7)
SFEI-II/9Total costs by accounting bit (summary of costs in forms I/3, I/4 and I/8)
SFEI-II/10Income by accounting bit; sale (barter or consumption) of cultured produce
SFEI-II/11Income by sale of assets, by accounting bit

SFEI-I/1 Assets by culture unit

1. Identification

2. Assets by culture unit

 Monetary unit
FacilitiesAmount outstanding at beginning of culture period
-Amount added during period
EquipmentAmount substracted during period
-- depreciation
-- other
MaterialAmount outstanding end of period
Finished goods 
Semi-finished goods 
Customer credit 

SFEI-I/2- Liabilities by culture unit

1. Identification

2. List of liabilities

 Monetary unit
Long-termAmount outstanding at beginning of period
- bank 
- other 
 Amount added during period
- bankAmount substracted during period
- other 
 - depreciation
Suppliers credit- other
Own capitalAmount outstanding end of period

SFEI-I/3- Costs of possession of culture unit

1. Identification

2. List of costs

Facilities (fixed)Monetary unit
Equipment (semi-fixed)Unit of measurement of inputs
StaffQuantity of physical units of inputs
- management 
- labourMonetary unit (cost) per unit of measurement of input
- interestTotal (marginal) cost during culture period
- other 

SFEI-I/5 - Costs of initiating culture period by culture bit

1. Identification

2. List of costs

MaterialMonetary unit
-Unit of measurement of inputs
-Quantity of physical units
ServicesMonetary unit (cost) per unit of measurement of input
-Total (marginal) cost during culture period

SFEI-I/10 - Income by culture bit; sale (barter or consumption) of cultured produced

1. Identification

2. Sale of cultured produce

SpeciesAverage weight of harvested individuals
-Unit of measurement of sales
 Price per unit of measurement of sales
 Total number of units sold
 Total value of sales


SFEC 11 - Income by sale of assets

1. Identification

2. List of sources of incomes

FacilitiesUnit of measurement
EquipmentNo. of units sold
MaterialsPrice per unit of measurement
OtherTotal value of assets sold

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