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Total government revenue

Total government revenue in Ethiopia comes from the following sources:

The total revenue of the Federal Government (including external assistance) was over 7 billion Birr in 1994 and increased to over 10 billion Birr in 1999. A large proportion of this revenue comes from indirect taxes on international trade.

Table 14         Total revenue collected at the federal level

Before decentralisation, most revenue collected from the forestry sector came from royalties and sales of wood products and the average level of revenue collected from these sources was around five million Birr per year (see Table 15). However, by comparing the revenue collected to the amount of wood produced, the amount of revenue collected was lower than would be expected from the amount of wood that was harvested. It is likely that a lot of forest products were harvested without any payment of forest charges due to poor control and the low number of staff working in the sector.

Table 15         Government revenue collected from charges on wood products at the central level before decentralisation