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In situ observations are crucial to the success of the three global observing systems, specifically the Global Climate Observing System, the Global Ocean Observing System and the Global Terrestrial Observing System. This report summarizes the results of an international meeting co-organized by the three global observing systems held in Geneva, Switzerland, that considered strategic issues relating to the collection of these observations and specifically to the identification of priorities relating to climate requirements.

In addition to recommendations on specific technical issues concerning the collection and management of in situ observations, the meeting also considered many aspects of the inter-relationships between the observing systems and other international organizations. It was recommended that the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites enhance the activities of its Calibration and Validation Working Group so that it can be more responsive to the needs of the three global observing systems.

Since this was the first joint meeting of all three observing systems on any topic, several recommendations were made concerning joint approaches to their activities including common approaches in ensuring the collection of long-term consistent observations and in defining priorities.

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