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2. Chairmen's Report

2.1 Chairman WGSAT

2.1.1 The Chairman of WGSAT, Dr John Eyre, presented the goals of WGSAT, which were to improve the quality of the user requirements and the space system capability databases. The requirements should be sufficient to obtain credible results from subsequent stages of the "rolling review of requirements" process, as decided at the second session of WGSAT, in April 1997, in Geneva, Switzerland. The "rolling review" and up-date process will be used by the group of expert users and space agencies. WGSAT plans to set up a "critical review" process and to come to an agreement on the details of the application of the method. The last part of the review process should be the preparation of a statement of guidance on feasibility of meeting user requirements which will be provided to space agencies.

2.2 Chairman GOSSP

2.2.1 The Chairman of GOSSP, Mr Morgan, gave a review of GOSSP activities since its last meeting in October 1996, in Geneva, Switzerland. A progress report and modified terms of reference (Annex III) were presented at the sixth Joint Scientific and Technical Committee (JSTC) meeting at the end of October 1996, the GTOS Steering Committee (SC) in December 1996 and the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GOOS (J-GOOS)[1] in April 1997, and received general support. It was suggested that the science panels of G3OS should evaluate the validity of a proposed method intended to compare user requirements with satellite capability before general acceptance of the technique. A first draft of sections of a revised Space Plan, prepared for the meeting, led the Chairman to stress the importance of the complete revision of the first version of the Space Plan and the assignment of follow-up actions. For this process, it will be crucial to address a variety organisational issues.

2.2.2 The Chairman pointed out that the joint session between WGSAT and GOSSP should help to provide coherency in data requirements, to remove overlap and avoid conflicting requirements. Satellite data requirements and satellite systems resources are now being analysed by three groups. The Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) established a Strategy Implementation Team (SIT) and an Analysis Group (AG), to evaluate the concept of an Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). The AG will analyse requirements and capabilities for six prototype projects (ozone monitoring, ocean biology, ocean data assimilation, forest cover, upper-air measurements, disaster monitoring) (see Annex VI). AG meetings and a workshop are being held in 1997. The analyses methodology would be similar to that presented to the second session of GOSSP. The Chairman urged all three groups to use the same database as input for their analyses. GOSSP and WGSAT are using the WMO stand-alone database, whereas CEOS uses the on-line database established at the European Space Research Institute (ESRIN). Action to reconciliate both databases have begun.

2.2.3 The Chairman noted that the specific GOSSP objectives for the meeting were to review the progress on GOSSP requirements, develop a set of recommendations and assign follow-up actions. G3OS requirements need to be updated to the extent possible and, bearing in mind the CEOS initiatives, the methods of analysis should be discussed. The panel should agree on the degree of support needed for the CEOS AG and to consider possible G3OS application areas or "themes" for which detailed analysis should be made.

[1] J-GOOS is now the GOOS Steering Committee (GSC).

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