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Following the extensive suite of presentations, the Chairman invited the panel to consider the issues in plenary, and to develop guidelines for a few ad hoc groups to work separately to develop positions on these issues for resolution by the entire panel. To expedite the discussion, the Chairman invited several individuals to provide brief restatements of the central issues for the meeting: 1) data and metadata quality; 2) data systems and information centre; 3) specific projects needing development; and 4) relationships with other groups. He reminded the participants that the revision of the Data and Information Management Plan and the terms of reference of the panel should be revisited by the ad hoc groups to provide advice to plenary.

6.1. Data and Metadata Quality

Dr R. Heino, the CCl Rapporteur on Metadata, discussed metadata and their role in data homogenization. Data homogeneity is important for climatology, especially in the study of climate change. Long-term change due to causative factors have been small and slowly varying, hidden in large year-to-year variability. Climate records, at least those which are readily available, are normally mixtures of both real and apparent variations.

He noted that information on the history of the measurements and the stations (termed ‘metadata’) is essential for a successful study of the data homogeneity. Some attempts to create computerized metadata files have been made. The NOAA NCDC has a comprehensive file system for the U.S., and an ongoing activity to form a global file for the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN). Metadata of basic stations in the former Soviet Union is also available. Future work is planned for the European Climate Support Network (EUMETNET). The WMO inventory of climatological stations (INFOCLIMA) can also be regarded as a massive metadata file. Dr Heino suggested the role of the G3OS, and of the panel, should be to increase the awareness of the importance of metadata, and to encourage improved documentation and usage of metadata world-wide.

Mr Searle informed the panel that IODE was doing a pilot metadata project on ocean data in Europe and Australia. The project is intended to serve those users outside the specific domain of expertise of the data. He noted that some software was developed for metadata purposes, and could be used by JDIMP in a larger-scale project.

The Chairman reviewed the previous work of the panel on metadata, and it was determined that an ad hoc group should consider the issue in more detail and report its recommendations for plenary discussion.

6.2. Data Systems/TAG/Centres

The Chairman noted his earlier remarks (see 5.5) concerning the GCOS Data and Information Management Plan, and suggested that one of the ad hoc groups should consider a work plan to prepare Version 2.0 on behalf of the G3OS. In addition, he requested that the concept of a ‘data system’ itself be reconsidered. One of the earlier proposals was for a workshop for a climate data system. He noted the limited progress in obtaining support for the workshop, and invited the panel to consider if it should be pursued. In addition, the ad hoc group could review the concept of a “Technical Advisory Group” (TAG), and consider the proposal to establish a G3OS Information Center (see 5.5).

6.3. Projects for Consideration

The Chairman noted the earlier discussions about various projects that had been proposed, and invited an ad hoc group to consider specifically how the panel should proceed.

6.4. Relationships with Other Groups

During the session many references to the work of related data and/or information groups were made. The Chairman noted that the members of the panel and the invited representatives provide good links to most of the groups that are concerned with issues similar to the panel. He invited participants to provide their suggestions for improved cooperation with such groups. In particular, he invited the groups to consider the differing perspectives of the G3OS.

6.5. Establishment of Ad Hoc Groups

Based on the earlier discussions, three ad hoc groups were set up to address some of the specific items.

Ad hoc Group 1 (Maiden, Martin, Moodie, Szejwach, Withrow) was asked to:

Ad hoc Group 2 (Guddal, Hasegawa, Keeley, Kuma, Sato, Vent-Schmidt, Webster) was asked to:

Ad hoc Group 3 (Heino, Jose, Razuvaev, Scholefield, Searle, Zhai) was asked to:

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