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The Secretariat presented briefly the activities undertaken the last months, which were mainly the follow-up actions as described in the report of the first Steering Committee meeting.


A draft set of overheads was presented to the group for review. It was agreed that the opening slide would contain the vision statement of GTOS. The objectives were revised and reworded in more explicit and concise sentences. The graphics in relation to the GTOS structure, the joint panels and the tier sampling hierarchy were to be revised. It was suggested to use a diagram graphic for the joint panels and activities between the three observing systems. The Secretariat was asked to prepare a new set of overheads to send to the Chairman for his review before the final printing. Overheads would also be prepared in 35 mm slide format. Sets of both overheads and slides would be made available to all Steering Committee members.

A draft brochure was presented. It was agreed that the brochure would be based on the text in the overheads, and that users should be mentioned. It was suggested to turn the five key questions into examples.

There was also need for overheads and a brochure in other languages (e.g. french and spanish). This should be taken up immediately following the finalization of the english version.

Follow-up actions:

· Secretariat to revise the overheads and the brochure and to send a draft to the Chairman before the final printing.

· Secretariat to arrange reproduction and distribution of overheads and brochure.

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