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5. Present Status of Observations

5.1 Atmospheric and Meteorological Observations

Present Status:

Two major observation networks exist at present, operated by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization’s (CSIRO) Atmospheric Research. They involve high-precision, continuously operated baseline stations for measuring the concentrations of over 100 atmospheric constituents in the marine boundary-layer air, together with analyses of flask samples routinely gathered at scores of locations world-wide. The sampling interval is typically about two weeks. Data from these networks and other sites are compiled under the GLOBALVIEW-CO2 project (

Gaps and Proposed Solutions

Significant issues in extending the gas concentration network for the purposes of terrestrial carbon observation include the following:

(a) Range of Gases:

While the primary emphasis is on CO2, several other gases have significance because they may (i) participate directly in land-air carbon fluxes (CH4, CO, NMVOCs); (ii) act as tracers of anthropogenic emissions which alter CO2 concentrations by non-terrestrial processes (CO, NMVOCs); (iii) provide tracers of biomass burning, a part of the terrestrial carbon cycle requiring explicit identification (CO, NOx, CH4, NMVOCs); or (iv) constitute significant greenhouse gases in their own right (CH4, N2O). Other significant constituents include the 13C and 18O isotopes of CO2, because they contain information on the relative magnitude of air-sea gas exchange and terrestrial carbon exchange, ecophysiological properties such as water use efficiency, C3/C4 ratios in plant communities, and ratios of soil evaporation to transpiration. The priority order among these gases for measurements is situation-dependent but is likely to be (1) CO2; (2) CH4, CO, N2O; and (3) NMVOCs and isotopic constituents. This order will change in response to circumstances.

(b) Intercalibration Issues:

Intercalibration among different measurement networks is a serious problem and is currently no better than around 0.2 ppm for CO2. Significantly better accuracy, to 0.1 ppm or less, is required for many atmospheric inversion methods. A global inter-comparison programme called GLOBALHUBS, run from CSIRO Atmospheric Research in Australia addresses this problem. Based on the current status of observation programmes and inversion methods, the following accuracy targets appear realistic: 0.2 ppm for CO2 flask and continuous data, 0.05 ppm for 13C, and 0.1 ppm for 18O. While less accurate data would also be useful because of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the land-atmosphere interactions, the higher accuracies will be essential to discern longer-term trends and their spatial characteristics at the regional or smaller scales.

(c) Site Locations and Sampling Strategies:

For atmospheric concentration measurements obtained for terrestrial carbon estimation, site selection criteria and sampling strategies should be different from those which apply in the present global networks and are based mainly on sampling in the marine boundary layer. There are two primary reasons. First, the terrestrial atmospheric boundary layer has strong diurnal variability because daytime CO2 draw-down by photosynthesis is associated with strong, deep convective mixing whereas nocturnal CO2 build-up from respiration is associated with the formation of shallow stable boundary layer. These differences lead to a highly asymmetric CO2 signal with time through the full day-night cycle (the “rectifier effect”; Denning et al., 1995, 1996, and 1999). Second, terrestrial ecosystems exhibit high horizontal heterogeneity in trace gas exchange. These factors have several implications for the sampling strategies:

Eddy Correlation Flux Towers

Present status

Investigators can now apply the eddy covariance technique to acquire nearly continuous measurements of carbon exchange between the atmosphere and biosphere.

Regional collections of eddy covariance flux towers were formalized into the EUROFLUX (Europe) and AmeriFlux (North and South Americas) networks in 1996 along with MEDEFLU (Mediterranean region) started in 1998 and followed by AsiaFlux and OzNet (Australia) in 2000. A variety of organizations within each country typically fund the towers; for example, the Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, NASA, and NSF fund the towers in the USA. Although some towers have been in operation for many years, 1996 marked the start of a community effort to collect continuous measurements of ecosystem carbon and energy exchange to understand the controls on carbon fluxes. In 1997 the FLUXNET project was established to compile the long-term measurements of carbon dioxide, water vapour, and energy exchange from the regional networks into consistent, quality assured, documented data sets for a variety of ecosystems world-wide (Baldocchi et al. 1996, Running et al. 1999).

FLUXNET is a “partnership of partnerships”, formed by linking existing sites and networks. As of early 2000 there are over 130 flux towers in FLUXNET. Measurements and terminology from existing but disparate sites and networks are brought together and harmonized into a common framework, thereby substantially increasing the usage and value of the flux data and information for the global change community. The core FLUXNET variables include both meteorological model-driving inputs (photosynthetic active radiation, air temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed and direction above the canopy, barometric pressure, soil temperature, and carbon dioxide concentration) and flux model checking variables (net ecosystem exchange [CO2 flux] sensible heat, and latent heat from eddy correlation; net radiation; and soil heat flux). In addition, associated site vegetation, length of growing season, stand density, stand age, leaf area index, leaf nitrogen, edaphic, and hydrologic characteristics are compiled.

Gaps and Proposed Solutions

Significant issues that will challenge the use of flux data in TCO include the following.

(a) Intercalibration

A fundamental goal of the networks is to establish and maintain long-term intercomparability of results between the sites. Intercomparability is achieved through consistency in measurement techniques, strict attention to calibrations (and traceability to standards), and site intercomparisons in, for example, software processing of standardized flux data files (distributed by EUROFLUX) and comparisons of flux system response to a roving standard (as implemented by AmeriFlux). At present, the flux measurement community has agreed on common measurement techniques ( Most flux groups use common measurement techniques (open or closed path infrared gas analyser, 3-D sonic anemometer) and data processing routines. Resources must be devoted to verifying the overall comparability of flux measurements.

(b) Representative Sites

There are gaps in the distribution of flux towers, most notably so in savannah and desert biomes, in urban areas, in all successional states, and in managed systems. Funding for new flux towers may help to fill these gaps.

(c) Nighttime and Complex Terrain Bias Errors

At night, CO2 flux measurements are subject to error and underestimation, as turbulent mixing is low. Drainage of CO2 in sloping terrain is another compounding factor and has recently been investigated. Compensation for the expected under-estimation of nighttime net ecosystem exchange include the use of spatially extrapolated chamber measurements of leaf, soil and bole respiration, modelled values, or the u* correction (a relationship inferred from nighttime measurements during high turbulent mixing; e.g. Goulden et al., 1996). This correction remains an open research issue.

(d) Incomplete Data

Data from eddy covariance measurements are usually reported in half-hour increments with an objective to collect data 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. However, the average data coverage during a year is only 65 % due to system failures or data rejection. No universal method has emerged for the filling of missing or rejected data. Therefore, gap-filling procedures need to be established for providing complete data sets (Falge et al., 2000).

(e) Footprint and Regional Scaling

Towers typically sample fluxes within a kilometre of the tower, based on changing wind conditions. The characterization of the source area, or footprint, requires a detailed inventory of the vegetation and soils contained in the source area and the pattern of changing wind conditions. This information can be used with soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models as part model validation and scaling up to the region.

(f) Data Availability

Flux data are slow in becoming available to the broader scientific community. Although significant flux data are becoming available, additional incentives are needed to ensure the flow of data into the regional networks and ultimately into FLUXNET for distribution and archiving. Fluxes and ancillary information are unified in FLUXNET into consistent, quality assured, documented, readily accessible datasets via the World Wide Web (

Meteorological Variables

Present Status

Current sources for meteorological forcing variables (Table 1) are a combination of existing ground-based meteorological networks, remote (satellite, radar) observations, and assimilation/interpolation from numerical weather models in nowcasting mode (ECMWF, NOAA, etc.).

Gaps and Proposed Solutions

(a) Precipitation: Precipitation data for terrestrial biospheric models are not available at the spatial resolution (< 1 km) needed to resolve topographic and other forms of landscape heterogeneity, nor with the temporal resolution (< 1 hr) needed to resolve short-term responses of water fluxes (especially canopy interception, infiltration and runoff) to intermittency in precipitation. The current global data sets have a spatial resolution of 0.5 to 1.0° and temporal resolution of days to months. ( Two alternatives exist in principle: (i) increase the spatial and temporal resolution of precipitation data, and/or (ii) develop improved parameterisations in ecosystem models for the statistical treatment of subgrid-scale processes in space as well as time. Both approaches are important because the available precipitation data are currently far from sufficient in spatial and temporal resolution, and will unlikely become adequate in the foreseeable future.

Because of its importance in many fields, the study of precipitation, both observationally and statistically, rapidly evolves. Resources are becoming available through these developments which need to be harnessed in the development of a strategy for terrestrial carbon observations. These developments include the following:

(b) Radiation: The key radiation variables are incoming solar, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and net radiation (or estimates of the upward and downward longwave components). Excluding the obvious diurnal cycle, the temporal and spatial variability of radiation variables is not as great as for precipitation but still remains a significant issue. There are also far fewer long-term, directly measured records for radiation than there are for most other meteorological variables. Strategies to deal with these issues include the following:

(c) Temperature and Humidity: For these variables the effects of terrain heterogeneity are smaller than for either precipitation or radiation, although they are still potentially important. Orographically sensitive interpolation of data from existing meteorological networks (or NWP outputs in nowcasting mode) is a reasonable approach to obtaining data at the spatial and temporal resolutions needed for terrestrial carbon observations.

(d) Wind: Wind data are important for three reasons. First, they are necessary to specify aerodynamic transfers in models of land-atmosphere exchanges. The observation issues here are similar to those for temperature and humidity, resulting in the need to include orographic effects and to consider the role of atmospheric stability. Second, wind data are needed to determine the Green’s functions in atmospheric inverse approaches (Enting, 2000). These are usually obtained from GCMs or NWP models, but there is a need to archive and interpret the sub-grid scale transports used in constructing the wind fields as these play a significant role in the forward calculation of the Green’s functions. Third, wind information is needed to interpret flux tower data (flux measurements by eddy covariance, eddy accumulation, mass balance or profile methods) in any circumstances except for flat, homogeneous terrain. The acquisition and interpretation of wind data for this purpose is best undertaken in campaign mode rather than through long-term observations, though long-term measurements in the vicinity of some flux towers may be beneficial.

(e) Wet and Dry Deposition: Data on wet and dry deposition of nutrients and contaminants may be an important biogeochemical forcing input for terrestrial biosphere models. The main present requirement is to access existing networks. Additional measurements, for instance at flux tower sites, may require implementation as significance of this forcing becomes better understood. These requirements should be considered from a regional or biome perspective; for example, nitrogen deposition is known to be important for the boreal biome (McGuire et al., 1992).

An important overarching issue is commonality between the requirements of terrestrial carbon observations and ‘terrestrial water’ observations. While the latter is now largely carried out at national or regional scales, many of the compelling reasons for establishing a global carbon observing system (section 2.) extend to water as well. Linkages between carbon and water cycles and observations include:

5.2 Surface Fluxes and Stocks

Surface measurements and monitoring of carbon fluxes and stocks has a rich history. However, there are large gaps in the data in terms of (i) complete above and below ground components, (ii) spatial and temporal consistency, and (iii) completeness of an adequate spatial and temporal coverage. The surface measurements are produced by scientific research studies, inventories focused on commercial interests such as forest inventory or yield, and broader surveys or compilations, e.g. country-level statistics assembled by FAO.

Gaps and Proposed Solutions

The following describes some major gaps in information and potential ways to address these:

1. Forest stocks and productivity data at global to sub-national levels



A two-prong approach is required: (i) increase access to quality forest biomass data, and (ii) develop methods for using the existing forest data and inventories to improve estimates of carbon fluxes. Some options are:

2. Below-ground coarse and fine root biomass, root turnover rates

These observations are generally made at flux tower sites, but the characteristics of the distribution over large areas are not known.



3. High resolution forest inventories

Depending on the resolution of the Kyoto Protocol reporting requirements, there will be a need for repeated measures of biomass/carbon with high degree of accuracy for small forest parcels. Traditional forest survey methods are generally too expensive to meet this need. Vegetation Canopy Lidar from aircraft or satellite provides the potential for the survey need (see also section 5.3). This issue will require attention once the Kyoto reporting requirements are agreed to.

4. Soil carbon

In addition to point/soil profile measurements available at national or global (Soil and Terrain Database, SOTER) levels, a method for the spatial distribution of soil carbon has been developed by IGBP (Global Soils Data Task, 1999). The quality of the output is limited by the available site soil carbon information.



5. VOCs and other greenhouse gasses (methane, CH4, NOx, N2O)



6. Wetlands and coastal estuaries

With some exceptions, existing observations are inadequate to obtain accurate or representative spatial and temporal estimates of carbon fluxes in wetlands. The gaps concern both the distribution and functioning of wetlands (Sahagian and Melack, 1996).



There is a need to build linkages with aquatic communities to ensure that this component is included.

7. Missing Biomes

Inventories of biomass are often poorly characterized for unique forests such as woodlands/savannahs, urban forests (human managed) and crops (especially in the tropics). Data for these ecosystems are often available from research studies, but are not compiled or archived systematically.


An overall approach to acquiring much of the desired in situ information could be to ensure that the variables will be measured at the existing sites within the networks associated with the TCO, such as the FLUXNET tower sites, EOS core test sites, the GTOS NPP sites, IGBP transects, etc. Sites that measure ecosystem fluxes are of particular importance since they provide the basis for enhancing the value of other site observations through process models tested against the flux measurements. The specific measurements are in Table 1 but should include where possible: soil C, root biomass and turnover, litter fall, phenology, decomposition (litter bags), canopy chemistry. Most of these are low cost and relatively simple measurements. In addition, the core variables of aboveground NPP, LAI, and others should be measured at all sites.

The acquisition of in situ observations around the globe is complex, regarding both the observations themselves and a strategy for their continued acquisition and availability. Some of the considerations or incentives to acquire these data include:

Research studies have collected a large amount of information that has not been readily available. Therefore, another general approach to locating and accessing this extensive information is to collaborate with scientists in the countries of interest. A successful example of this approach is the IGBP-DIS Global Primary Production Data Initiative (Scurlock et al., 1999) which resulted in a comprehensive global database of NPP. Activities that may be useful to promote collaboration of this type include synthesis workshops and exchanges of students and researchers.

5.3 Satellite Observations

Satellite data are important in both top-down and bottom-up approaches (Table 1). For top-down, NWP or GCM models presently make the most extensive uses of these data, although their value for trace gases estimation has also been shown in research mode (Reichle et al., 1994; Connors et al., 1994) and will increase in the future (e.g. MOPITT; Section 7.2 discusses additional requirements for top-down satellite observations and the needed technological developments. Sections 5.3.1 to 5.3.3 deal primarily with bottom-up observation issues.

Status and recent progress

Satellites provide an important measurement technology for a number of essential variables, especially those used in upscaling from sites to globe. Table 1 (section 4.3) identifies the observation requirements that may be met through satellite remote sensing, and Table 2 lists variables for which data products have been produced from satellite measurements. From Table 2, it is evident that remarkable progress has been achieved in converting raw satellite measurements into products useful for terrestrial carbon assessment. However, the quality of the products obtained so far (third column of Table 2) needs further improvements; this is discussed further below.

For terrestrial carbon observations, several kinds of sensors are required (Table 3, 4). They differ in terms of the spectral bands (from about 0.4 mm to 21 cm), the illumination source (passive or active), spatial resolution (from ~25 m to ~1000 m), and the control over which region is imaged (fixed or remotely pointable). The conceptually most important sensor types are listed in Table 3. In virtually all cases, the technology is changing, thus the characteristics of specific sensor types also evolve. The current representatives of the various types are listed in Table 4 for sensors generally available to date (fine- and coarse-spatial resolution, SAR) and in Table 5 for recent, innovative concepts (very high spatial resolution, multi-angle, lidar, hyperspectral). Future research should focus on an effective use of data from these new sensors.

Compared with the situation 5-10 years ago, substantial progress has been made in several areas related to the use of satellite data for studies of the terrestrial biosphere. They include:

In spite of the above progress, gaps still remain in several areas. Much more needs to be done for satellite data to fulfil their potential in determining the distribution of carbon sources and sinks around the globe. Some of these gaps are discussed below.

Gaps and Solutions


The most serious gaps or problems regarding satellite observations for terrestrial carbon include:


Specific steps regarding most of the above proposed (and other potential) solutions need further discussion before devising plans for implementation.

As noted above, sound global validation strategy is an essential component of the use of satellite data for terrestrial carbon observations. The approach should focus on network sites where in situ measurements and process studies are combined with the available satellite data for algorithm development and comparison of products with independent estimates. As part of the algorithm intercomparison and validation strategy, action is also needed to set up a community process to define and implement priority locations for acquisition of high and very high resolution data. Such data could be purchased from commercial operators, obtained by coordinated targeted observation from multiple sensors with a restricted duty cycle, or assembled by separating out relevant data from unwieldy data streams into a separate archive.

Table 2. Products Derived from Satellite Observations



Quality in production mode2



Land cover and land cover change

Land cover classification







Class definitions can be contentious; community is gravitating toward IGBP classes

Disturbance/land cover change







Eventually will want to detect and estimate significant changes in any observed variable

Phenology products

Length of growing season




Requires NDVI composite products as input

Evergreen/deciduous ratio





Can usually be derived from single-date summer

Vegetation structure products







Saturation and other complications in using optical data

Fractional cover of vegetation






Currently inferred from data which has resolution better than opening sizes; requires high contrast between canopy and background or canopy and shadow

Horizontal structure4





Need very high resolution data and a clean parameter; spectral unmixing may provide partial information with lower resolution data

Vertical structure4




Multi-angle optical is a potential source of additional information

Biomass density




Need long wavelength SAR or imaging lidar

Leaf dispersion parameter (e.g. clumping index)





Need multi-angle optical data; further discussion within the community is desirable

Biomass burning products

Active fire




Produced from thermal data; algorithms need to be tuned and validated regionally

Burn scars and age






Products under development for MODIS, VEGETATION, and ATSR. Expected to be straightforward to develop

Fire emissions




Need further definition through dialogue within the community

Meteorological products

Radiometric surface temperature




Atmospheric corrections need improving

Air temperature




Need further advice on approach

Methane-related products

Wetland location






L-band SAR is essential; addition of C-band SAR and optical data provides additional information

Wetland water status




L-band SAR is essential; addition of C-band SAR and optical data provides additional information

Atmospheric methane concentration




MOPITT on Terra

Additional products5

Foliage N content



Need hyperspectral approach

Chlorophyll content



Need hyperspectral approach

Soil moisture/wetness


Need dual active/passive L-band approach, near-surface

Soil organic carbon content


Now feasible only for bare surface soil



Need higher spatial and temporal resolution than currently available

1: Maturity: 1 = can be produced now,; 2 = within 5 years,; 3 = after >5 years.

2: Quality in production mode: A = excellent; B = satisfactory; C = fair.

3: Sensor type needed: Fine = pixel spacing ~25 m; Coarse = pixel spacing ~ 250-1000 m; F= fixed pointing (nadir); P = programmemable pointing. Fusion of data from two or more sensors often required to generate a product.

4: The precise definition of the suite of vertical and horizontal structure products will needs further more discussion and negotiation within the community; clumping index is a possible additional product.

5: These products would be very valuable, but may be difficult to achieve with current and foreseeable technology.

Table 3. Generic Sensor Types










































































Pointable (single wavelength)












* with 4 or more independent looks

Table 4. Current Specific Sensors

Fine - Fixed

Fine - Pointable














Radarsat (CSA)













Table 5. Specific Sensors - New or Anticipated Capabilities





Name (Agency)

Name (Agency)

Name (Agency)

Name (Agency)

Ikonos (Space Imaging)



Hyperion (NASA)

OrbView (Orbital Sciences)



Warfighter (US Air Force)

Nemo (US Navy)

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