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1767Jacobi (Germany) developed the technique of stripping and artificial fertilization of trout eggs.
1842Remy and Gehin (France) rediscovered the technique of artificial fertilization of trout eggs and introduced it into practice. This was described by Haxo later in 1851.
1860T. Dubisch (Dubics) (Hungarian origin) developed the technique of breeding common carp in special spawning ponds (Dubisch ponds).
1870Wranssky (Russia) introduced the dry method of fertilization of trout eggs.
1873W. His (Germany) described the fish egg and its development
1904P. Purgly (Hungary) introduced the use of artificial nests on spawning grounds of pike perch, to obtain fertilized eggs for controlled incubation and rearing.
1930B.A. Houssay (Argentina) injected some viviparous fish with extracts of pituitary glands freshly removed from other species of fish and brought about premature birth of the young.
1934R. Von Ihering (Brazil) developed a successful technique for inducing fish to spawn by injecting them with extracts of pituitary glands from other fish.
1937E. Probst (Germany) stripped and fertilized common carp eggs artificially, collecting the brood fish from Dubisch ponds at the time of spawning. He repeated the same technique successfully with tench. He also produced hybrids between common carp and tench.
1937N.L. Gerbilsky (Soviet Union) was able to obtain ripe eggs and sperm from sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) that had been intracranially injected with extracts of one or two fresh pituitaries of the same species.
1940N.L. Gerbilsky (Soviet Union) investigated the seasonal changes of gonadotropic potency of the pituitary glands in fishes.
1942N.L. Gerbilsky (Soviet Union) worked out the preservation technique of pituitary glands by acetone drying.
1948M. Kawajiri, M. Simandate, H. Koyama and C. Miyajima (Japan) induced spawning of common carp by gonadotropic hormones.
1948E. Woynarovich and B. Entz (Hungary) worked out the technology of incubating pike-perch eggs in spray-chamber.
1949N.L. Gerbilsky (Soviet Union) worked out the hypophysation technique for propagation of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) on commercial scale.
1952E. Woynarovich (Hungary) worked out the technique of spreading sticky eggs of common carp evenly on artificial nests after stripping and artificial fertilization.
1956–58L.S. Ramaswami and B.I. Sundararaj (India) successfully bred the Indian freshwater catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) with pituitary glands of fish and frog, as well as mammalian chorionic gonadotropic hormone.
1957H. Chaudhuri and K.H. Alikunhi (India) induced spawning in six species of Indian carps by administering a single intra-muscular injection of alcohol-preserved pituitary glands of Indian carps.
1957K.E. Sneed and H.P. Clemens (U.S.A.) worked out the technique of induced propagation of channel catfish, which led to flourishing commercial catfish culture in the U.S.A.
1959J.W. Atz and G.E. Pickford (U.S.A.) reviewed the use of pituitary hormones in fish propagation, which helped in this technology becoming widely known.
1959K.E. Sneed and H.P. Clemens (U.S.A.) used human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to induce spawning of fish.
1960H. Chaudhury (India) standardized the hypophysation technique for induced spawning of Indian major carps.
1960A.G. Konradt (Soviet Union), H.W. Ku and L. Chung (China) independently worked out the artificial propagation of major Chinese carps by hypophysation.
1961D.Zh. Aliev (Soviet Union) successfully propagated the major Chinese carps by inducing ovulation through injection of pituitary gland extract in split doses.
1961E. Woynarovich (Hungary) worked out the technique of dissolving the sticky layer of common carp and other cyprinid eggs, which helped their incubation in jars.
1962K.H. Alikunhi, K.K. Sukumaran and S. Parameswaran (India) succeeded in induced spawning of Chinese silver carp and grass carp in India.
1962A. Antalfi (Hungary) established the first commercial warm water fish hatchery in Dinnyes (Hungary) using the most advanced technology for the propagation of six commercially important fish species.
1963E. Woynarovich (Hungary) evolved a better technique to dissolve the sticky layer of common carp eggs using tannin solution.
1963–64Taiwanese scientists succeeded in induced spawning of Mugil cephalus through hypophysation.
1964M. Kadar (Hungary) evolved the technique of suturing the female genital opening in common carp for preventing them from scattering and consequent loss of ripe eggs before stripping.
1968Biologists in Israel succeeded in induced spawning of freshwater reared grey mullets with common carp pituitary extract in concrete tanks. However, the larvae did not survive.
1969A. Yashouv (Israel) reported successful induced spawning of Mugil cephalus reared in captivity in freshwater ponds.
1972K.V. Devaraj, T.J. Varghese, and G.P. Satyanarayana Rao (India) successfully spawned the freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus by injecting pituitary extract of the marine catfishes (Tachysurus spp.).
1972Z.H. Shehadeh, C.M. Kuo, and C.E. Nash (U.S.A.) worked out the propagation technique for the grey mullet, Mugil cephalus.
1972G. Tamas and L. Horvath (Hungary) worked out the technique for the preparation of fry-rearing earthen ponds, so as to promote the development of rotifers, the preferred fish food of just-feeding fry and to control the enemies of fry such as insects and crustaceans.
1973N. Fijan (Yugoslavia) induced ovulation in European catfish by hypophysation and successfully stripped, fertilized, and hatched the eggs.
1975T.J. Varghese, G.P. Satyanarayana Rao, K.V. Devaraj, and B. Chandrasekhar (India) demonstrated the use of the marine catfish pituitary for induced breeding of major Indian carps.
1976T.J. Varghese and G.P. Satyanarayana Rao (India) succeeded in induced breeding of Chinese silver carp by injecting marine catfish pituitary extract.
1977Milkfish (Chanos chanos) was induced bred through hypophysation for the first time at the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Centre (SEA FDEC), Philippines.

Note: The above list is by no means exhaustive. Some important achievements in the laboratory have yet to become public knowledge.


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