Teak for the Future - Proceedings of the Second Regional Seminar on Teak


TEAKNET Publication: No. 1

29 May - 3 June 1995, Yangon, Myanmar

TEAKNET Secretariat in the Forest Department
Yangon, Myanmar

FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAP)
Bangkok, Thailand

Cover: A natural teak stand managed under the Myanmar Selection System, Bago Yoma, Myanmar (1995)

Table of Contents

The designations and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its frontiers or boundaries.

The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors alone and do not imply any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO.

The photo credits given below are by page number in order of appearance. Copyrigt in all cases remains with the photographers, to whom FAO wishes to extend its thanks for their generous permission to reproduce their work.

Masakazu Kashio:

Front cover, vi, 26, 60, 82, 90, 104, 122, 154, 160, 178, 192, 210, 220, 234, back cover

Thai Orchids Lab:

87, 88, 89

Edited by: Masakazu Kashio and Kevin White

ISBN 974-86342-9-9

© FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1998

Printed by Dharmasarn Co., Ltd., Bangkok

For copies write to:

TEAKNET Secretariat
(c/o U Mehm Ko Ko Gyi, Coordinator of TEAKNET)
Forest Department, Ministry of Forestry
Bayintnaung Road, West Gyogone, Yangon 11011
Tel: (95) 1-68-1856, Fax: (95) 1-68-1857
E-Mail: [email protected]

Table of Contents


Opening Address by H. E. Lt. General Chit Swe - Minister, Ministry of Forestry

Opening Statement by Dato Abdul Wahid Jalil - FAO Representative in Myanmar

Opening Statement by C.T.S. Nair - Senior Programme Advisor, Forestry Research Support Programme for Asia and the Pacific

Introductory Remarks on Teak in the Forestry Development Framework in Asia and the Pacific - Mr. Masakazu Kashio, Regional Forest Resources Officer, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand

Part I: Record of Discussions

Summary of the Second Regional Seminar on Teak
Group reports

Group 1: Management of Natural Teak Forests
Group 2: Management of Teak Plantations
Group 3: Teak Trade and Marketing

Part II: Thematic Papers

Management of Natural Teak Forests

Management status of natural teak forests - U Ko Ko Gyi and Dr. Kyaw Tint

Management of Teak Plantations

Overview of problems in teak plantation establishment - Dr. Apichart Kaosa-ard
Teak breeding and improvement strategies - Dr. Apichart Kaosa-ard
Commercial micropropagation of teak in Thailand - Dr. Paiboolya Gavinlertvatana
Silvicultural problems in management of teak plantations - Mr. K.C. Chacko
Species Improvement Network for Teak - Mr. Vichien Sumantakul

Trade and Marketing

Trade and marketing of teak wood and products - U Sein Maung Wint
Processing and development technology and future trends for teak utilization - Mr. Suntud Sangkul
Wood quality and end-user requirements - U Soe Tint and U Myint Kyu Pe
Trade and marketing experience with Myanmar teak - Mr. Herman Manger

Part III: Country Profiles

Management of teak plantations in Bhutan - Mr. Chimi Dorji
Sustainable management of teak plantations on acidic soil in China - Mr. Kuang Bingchao and Mr. Bai Jiayu
Teak improvement in Indonesia - Dr. Hendi Suhaendi
Teak forest management in Indonesia - Mr. Sadhardjo Siswamartana
Teak in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic - Department of Forests
Teak in Malaysia - Dr. I. Zakaria and Mr. N. Lokmal
Management of natural teak forest in Myanmar - Forest Department
Teak resources in Thailand - Mr. Vichien Sumantakul and Mr. Suntud Sangkul
The management and prospects of teak in Vietnam - Ministry of Forestry

Part IV: Introduction to TEAKNET

Asia-Pacific Network on teak research and development (Draft proposal for discussion) - Dr. C.T.S. Nair


Annex 1: Agenda and timetable
Annex 2: List of participants
Annex 3: Summarized results of the First Regional Seminar on Teak

Back cover