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Ashton, M. Gunatilleke Zoysa, Dassanayake, Gunatilleka & Wijesundera, 1997. A Field Guide to the Common Trees and Shrubs of Sri Lanka, WHT Publications (Pvt.) Ltd. Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Baldwin, Malcolm F. (ed.) 1991. Natural Resources of Sri Lanka. A Report prepared for Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka, Colombo.

Bandaratillate, H.M. 1994. Use of Non-Wood Forest Products by Village Communities in Sri Lanka in Beyond Timber: Social & Eco-Cultural Dimensions of Non Wood Forest Product in Asia & Pacific. Workshop held in FAO, Bangkok, 28 November – 2 December.

Chandrasekera, Manel. 1990. Social and Economic Situations in Women Headed Households in Sri Lanka. A research paper presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for obtaining the Degree of Master of Arts in Development Studies, the Institute of Social Studies, and The Hague.

Cooray, P.G. 1984. An introduction to the Geology of Sri Lanka (Ceylon), National Museums of Sri Lanka Publications (Second Revised Edition), Colombo.

Department of Census & Statistics. 1997. Changing Role of Women in Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.

EIU, 1997. Sri Lanka: Country Profile, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London.

ESCAP, 1997. Women in Sri Lanka: A country profile. United Nations, New York.

Gunawardene, Lalitha. 1995. Women in Peasant Agricultural. Centre for Women's Research, Sri Lanka.

Jayasena, Asoka et al. 1994. Veddha Women: Impact of their translocation from a forest environment to agricultural settlements. Centre for Women's Research, Sri Lanka.

Madduma Bandara, C.M. 1985. Catchment Ecosystems & Village Tank Cascades in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka in Needham, J. (1971). Civil Engineering & Nautics - Science & Civilisation in China, Cambridge University Press.

Ministry of Finance & Planning. 1996. Statistical Abstract, Department of Census & Statistics, Sri Lanka.

Ministry of Forestry & Environment. 1998. Biodiversity Conservation in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka.

Panbokke, C.R. 1996. Soils and Agro-Ecological Environments of Sri Lanka. Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka, Colombo.

SCOR Monitor. 1994. Vol.1, No.1. Jan–Mar, Sri Lanka.

Seneviratna, Anuradha. 1994. Ancient Anuradhapura: The Monastic City, Archaeological Survey Department, Sri Lanka.

Somasekaram, T. (ed.) 1997. Arjuna's Atlas of Sri Lanka. Arjuna Consulting Co. Ltd., Dehiwala, Sri Lanka.

Tennakoon, M.U.A., 1986. Drought Hazard and Rural Development. Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Colombo.

Vitarana, Kamini Meediniya and Hanatha Withanege. 1993. Culture of Biodiversity & Bio-dependence. The Sri Lankan Experience.

Wickramasinghe, Anoja. 1990. Diversified Agricultural Research Project, Development Alternatives Inc., Sri Lanka.

UNDP, 1997. Human Development Report, Oxford University Press, New York.

Wijesinghe, Yvonne. 1994. Checklist of woody Perennial Plants of Sri Lanka. Publ. By Sri Lanka Forest Departments.

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