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Annex 1 Evaluation of forest and natural resources data and information flow in the Philippines

Survey guide questionnaire

[this questionnaire is completed through a guided interview]

Name :                                                          

Office :                                                         

Position :                                                       

What are your duties and responsibilities in the organization? [attach a copy of duties and responsibilities, if available]

As you understand it, what is the mandate of the office?




What are the key result areas/priority areas of the office?

What are the data on forest and natural resources that the office collects?

What survey instruments are being used to collect such data?

Who collects the data?

After data gathering, where does the data go?

Do the recipients refer to the data from time to time?

Are there data and information gathered in the field that the recipients consider to be unnecessary/insignificant? If so, what are these data?

What are the types of report that the department requires from the office?

What are the reports that the office prepares?

Who makes the report?

When and where are the reports submitted?

Does the office submit the reports on time? If not, why?

How does the office communicate with other offices?

How are recommendations addressed?

Has a system of communications been adapted?

If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the system?

With regard to forest and natural resources, is there a database that the office maintains?

What are the problems encountered in terms of data and information management? How are these problems managed?


In terms of data and information management, what activities are conducted by the office?

How can other agencies/offices, institutions have access to the data and information?

Are any briefings/refresher courses/training events conducted for the technical employees of the office?

Are the current policies that the Central Office implements reflective of the true sentiments of the people or the state of the forest?

Does the office strictly implement/follow all policies of the department?

Please furnish suggestions to improve the current situation in data and information flow in the department.

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