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Carey, T.G., 1968 Feeding habits of some fishes in the Kafue River. Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 4:105–9

Chipungu, P.M., 1981 The impact of the Kafue Gorge Dam on the Kafue floodplain fishery. In Seminar on River Basin Management and Development, Blantyre, Malawi, 8–10 December 1980, edited by J.M. Kapetsky. CIFA Tech.Pap., (8):120–9

Dudley, R., 1972 Biology of Tilapia of the Kafue flood-plain, Zambia: Predicted effects of the Kafue Gorge Dam. Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho Graduate School. Ph.D. Thesis. 50 p. (Unpubl.)

Dudley, R.G. and R.J. Scully, 1980 Changes in experimental gillnet catches from the Kafue floodplain, Zambia, since reconstruction of the Kafue Gorge Dam. J.Fish Biol., 16:521–38

Gordon, G. and R. Krag-Olsen, 1968 Kafue hydro-electric scheme. Horizon, 10(6). June 1968

Hydrobiological survey of the Kafue flood-plain. 1971 Fish.Res.Bull.Zambia, 5:245–95

Kapetsky, J.M., 1974 The Kafue River floodplain: an example of pre-impoundment potential for fish production. Monogr.Biol., 24:497–523

Lagler, K.F., 1967 Opportunity for pre-impoundment studies in fisheries and in hydrobiology related to fisheries of Kafue reservoir, Zambia. FI-Misc./67

Pike, E.G.R. and T.G. Carey, 1965 The Kafue floodplain. In Natural resources handbook. The fish and fisheries of Zambia, edited by M.A.E. Mortimer. Ndola, Zambia, Falcon Press, pp.76–84

Schmidt, C., 1969 The Kafue Gorge hydroelectric power project. J.Eng.Inst.Zambia, 1969, July issue:1–17

Scudder, T., 1970 Suggestions for the development of the Kafue River fishery: a working paper. Central Fisheries Research Institute, (mimeo)

Scully, R., 1972 Physico-chemical parameters and gill-net catches at four floodplain habitats on the Kafue Flats, Zambia. M.Sc. Thesis. Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho Graduate School, 59 p. (Unpubl.)

Tait, C.C., 1967 Kafue River and floodplain research: Hydrological data. Fish.Res.Bull., Zambia, 3:26–8

University of Idaho, et al., 1971 Ecology of fishes in the Kafue River. A report prepared for FAO of the UN acting as executing agency for the UNDP. Moscow, Idaho, University of Idaho, FI:SF/ZAM 11 Technical report 2:66 p.

University of Michigan, et al., 1971 The fisheries of the Kafue River flats, Zambia, in relation to the Kafue Gorge Dam. Report prepared for the FAO of the UN acting as executing agency for the UNDP. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, FI:SF/ZAM 11. Technical Report:161 p.

White, E., 1973 Zambia's Kafue hydroelectric scheme and its biological problems. Geophys.Monogr., 17:620–8

Williams, N.K., 1960 A review of the Kafue River fishery. Rhod.Agric.J., 57(1):86–92

Williams, R., 1971 Fish ecology of the Kafue River and flood plain environment. Fish.Res.Bull.,Zambia, 5:305–30

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