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Suva and Nausori Markets, 28 January 1995

  1. Where did you harvest your lumi from?

    (Note: answer should be specific to at least the name of a village, or qoliqoli, or a significant landmark).

  2. When is the best season for harvesting (from which month, to which month)?

  3. Is there any time or season when lumi is not worth harvesting?

  4. If so, what is the reason for not harvesting (plants too small, too dirty, or some other reason)?

Note 1:

The surveyor should note the type of lumi that is being talked about (lumicevata, lumiwawa, or other type). If more than one type is being sold by a vendor, then run through these questions separately for each type.

Note 2:

Lastly, record the number of heaps on sale for each type. Contrary to usual Fisheries Statistics practice, lumicevata (Hypnea) and lumiwawa (Gracilaria) should be treated as separate categories rather than be lumped together.

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