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It is felt that a programme to initiate commercial farming in Samoa would benefit considerably from a short-term input from a production expert with specific practical experience in farming cottonii in the Pacific Islands. There are several personnel with the necessary commercial production experience who could be provided by regional consulting companies.

It is therefore recommended that the Government approach aid donors with a proposal for funding a twelve-month technical assistance programme. It is suggested that the production expert work closely with Fisheries Officers on Upolu and Savaii, while being directly responsible to the export company(ies) involved through the appropriate Government department.

The recommended scope of the expert's input is as follows:

The total cost estimate for this six-month input is USD 120,000, which includes fees, allowances, accommodation, air-travel and domestic transportation costs.

For reasons outlined in this report the production expert's total input should be directed at developing off-bottom farming in and around the selected sites in this report, and working with the export company(ies). Research trials with hanging long-line farming and raft farming are recommended as valuable Fisheries Division projects, which should be funded separately from any attempt at commercial development.

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