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1) Table 1: Annual Transition of the Total Production of Japanese Akoya Pearls

This table is the transition of annual production beyond 1946. The production for 10 years since 1983 had been stable at 18,000 – 19,000 Kan a year. However for the past 5 years, the yearly output sharply decreased due to the exceptionally high morality. Poisonous Formalin and virus were given as reasons, but the effects of a long period of overcrowded oyster beds which caused deterioration of the farming ground may have been a more important reason.

2) Table 2: South Sea Pearls (silver pearls) Imported into Japan from Producing Countries

3) Table 3: South Sea Pearls Exported from Japan

Japan imported about 500 Kan (74% of the total production), and 80% (400 Kan) of this has been re-exported from Japan. The total re-export increased to 2 times within these 4 years.

4) Table 5: Black Pearls.Imported into Japan from Producing Countries

5) Table 6: Exports of Black Pearls from Tahiti

Japan is still a distant leader as a buyer but the proportion has decreased these recent years. The proportion of exports to U.S.A. and Hong Kong has rapidly increased; the demand in the USA. is especially outstanding. The demand for gray pearls would increase in USA if promoted properly.

6) Table 7: Black Pearls Exported from Japan

7) Table 9: The comparison of Tahiti's export and Japanese import

This is a combined statistic of exports reported by Tahiti and imports by Japan In the past, the figures did not match, but recently accuracy has improved.

8) Tables 10 & 11 and Figure 2: Results of the black pearl auction of the last 8 years in Tahiti

9) Figure 1: Map of the cast Tahitian black pearl farms covers the area of European countries

List of Project Field Documents

No. 1-Survey of commercial seaweed available in South-East Viti Levu (Fiji Islands): A preliminary study of farming potential of seaweed species present in Fiji by T.Pickering and S.Mario
No. 2-Commercial sponge survey in Kiribati and sponge farming development in the South Pacific by R.Croft
No. 3-Comparative taste test on Nile tilapia and marine fish in Samoa and Nauru by L. Bell, et al
No. 4-Survey of seaweed “Limu Tanga'u” (Cladosiphon sp) in Tongatapu, Ha'apai and Vava'u Islands in Tonga: Observation on growth in December 1996 by E.Lovell
No. 5-Potential of commercial development of Mabe pearl farming in Vava'u Islands, Kingdom of Tonga by T.Yamamoto and H.Tanaka
No. 6-Potential of milkfish farming development in Fiji. by T.Yanagisawa by E.Dela Cruz
No. 7*-Sea cucumber ranching in Japan and applications for the South Pacific by T.Yanagisawa
No. 8-Market Survey of Aquarium Giant Clams in Japan by H.Okada
No. 9-Feasibility Study on the relocation of Naduruloulou Aquaculture Research Station, Fiji by E.Woynarovich
No. 10-Technical guidance on pearl oyster hatchery development in the Kingdom of Tonga by M.Ito
No. 11*-Construction of tilapia demonstration pond and technical guidance on its farming in Samoa by S.Nandlal
No. 12*-Feasibility study of green snail (Turbo marmoratus) and trochus (Trochus niloticus) transplantations to Samoa by M.Amos
No. 13-Pearl marketing trends with emphasis on Black Pearl Markets by Y. Hisada
No. 14-Manual of marine snail seed production and stock enhancement by K. Kikutani, H. Yamakawa, et al.
No. 15*-Technical guidance on Java carp and common carp seed production at the Highlands Aquaculture Development Centre, Papua New Guinea by Z. Jangkaru
No. 16*-Recommendation towards shrimp farming industry development in Solomon Islands by H. Kongkeo
No. 17**-Potential of Eucheuma seaweed farming development in Tonga and Samoa by D.Luxton

* In printing
** Under preparation

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