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1.1. Consultancy Inputs

The consultant (shrimp farming economist) was assigned for a period of two months. He arrived for his first visit in Yangon on 5th April 1997 and departed on 11th April 1997. His counterpart officer was Mr. Maung Maung Lwin of Fisheries Department, Myanmar. The consultant visited Myanmar again on 6th May 1997 till 13th May 1997. His counterpart officer was Mr U Tin Htut, a fisheries assistant of the DOF, Myanmar. The counterparts assisted the consultant in collection of data and arranging meetings and visits to the various departments and farms.

1.2. Terms of Reference

Under the terms of reference of the consultancy, the consultant was expected to review the economic conditions applicable to international enterprises and/or entrepreneurs intending to invest in farming of marine shrimps in Myanmar.

The consultant will jointly with the expert on coastal environments and appropriate officers in the government, draft guidelines for the management of the participation of international shrimp culture enterprises in the Myanmar economy.

The consultant and his couterparts travelled to visit shrimp farms, hatcheries, processing plants, exporters and government departments. Data/information were collected through interviews with government officers, shrimp culturists, traders, processors, etc. and also through recorded literature and other documents.

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