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8.0 Recommendations

8.1    While semi-intensive culture should be encouraged, further development should be guided through the institution of new policies and the implementation of existing and recommended guidelines. A good starting point is the strict enforcement of the ban on mangrove conversion into ponds. (Appendix 2)

8.2    Pond water should first be cleaned of all effluents before draining into estuaries in order to protect nearby habitats from the pollutants and pathogens discarded by farms. And also discharge standards for shrimp pond effluents should be developed as a basis for governmental regulations.

8.3    There should be strict controls on imported chemicals, antibiotics and feeds-expiry dates, identification of ingredients, etc. Legislate a pharmaceutical policy pertaining to aquacultural applications including punishment for violators.

8.4    There should be a total ban on imports of shrimp fries which would help in curbing disease problems. The introduction of disease through infected fry or contaminated water could devastate the local shrimp industry.

8.5    Having foreign companies buy ownership shares of state own subsidiaries would be a far more expeditious way of privatizing and bring in foreign investments than to engage in the time consuming tasks of revising existing laws or passing new legislations to allow direct foreign ownership of state enterprises.

8.6    Require registration and an operational license for all commercial farms including on-farm certification by the government.

8.7    Research and development efforts should intensified in the area of aquaculture and wastewater treatments systems.

8.8    Appropriate resource-use planning related to shrimp culture operations should be developed by government agencies. This should consider the carrying capacity of the immediate enviroment affected by such operations. Environment Impact Assessments should be required from all shrimp farm operators before permits for construction is issueds.

8.9    Any company or person engaged in semi-intensive shrimp culturing should be eligible for pioneer status.

Pioneer status enables a company to obtain partial exemption from the payment of income tax. The company will have to pay tax only on 30% of its statutory income for a period of 5 years.

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