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This report analyses the impact of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production in the Uganda context. The study was carried out by the Ministry of Agricultural, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) in Uganda under the aegis of FAO's Integrated Support to Sustainable Development and Food Security Programme (IP) with funding from the Governments of Norway and Finland.

The IP would specially like to acknowledge the national consultant Narathius Asingwire, Makerere University, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, who did an excellent job analyzing the findings and compiling this report.

The IP would further like to thank Mrs Dinah Kasagaki, MAAIF, Dr. Harriet Sentubwe, MAAIF and Mr. Nathan Chelimo, Makerere University who gave supervision to the research methodology, analyzing and finalizing the report. Also acknowledged are the staff from FAO-Roma, the IP's Programme Implementation Task Force (PITF) and in particular Dr. Kalim Qamar, Senior Technical Officer in Extension, Education and Communication Service (SDRE), who provided continuous technical backstopping. Mrs. Forough E. Olinga, IP National Training Facilitator and Mrs. Catherine Barasa, Gender and Poverty Advisor with MAAIF were to great help facilitating the process and the stakeholders' workshops.

We also acknowledge the 15 research assistance who worked hard undertaking the interviews and data collection, namely Tom Ahimbisibwe, Loy Asiimwe, Vicent Babigumira, Wallace Bindeeba, Michael Kabinga, Harriet Kemigisha, Grace Kenyonga, Prossy Kasozi, Moses Kulaba, Pamella Kyagonza, Esther Nassonko, Joseph Okello-Atim, Ola Dale Johnson, A Semakula and Olinga Tahirih.

Lastly, but not least we would like to thank all the households who where interviewed, the stakeholders who provided important inputs on the national workshops, as well as the support and assistance from the District Agricultural Officers, District Fisheries Officers, District Veterinary Officers, District Extension Co-ordinators, office of the CAOs, Local Council Chairmen and Sub-county Extension.

Integrated Support to Sustainable Development and Food Security Programme (IP)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: (+39) 06 570 56751 / 06 570 54008, Fax: (+39) 0657052004
Email: [email protected] , Internet:
Funded by the Governments of Norway and Finland

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