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ADB                            African Development Bank

APCU                          Afforestation Programme co-ordination unit

CBOs                          Community Based Organisations

CCP                            Country Capacity Project

CTA                            Chief Technical Advisor

DBH                            Diameter at Breast Height

DFID                           Department for International Development

ECN                            Energy Commission of Nigeria

EIA                              Environmental Impact Assessment

EMP                            Environmental Management Programme

FAO                            Food and Agriculture Organisation

FDA                            Federal Department of Agriculture

FDF                             Federal Department of Forestry.

FDP                             Forestry Development Programme

FEAP                           Family Economic Advancement Programme

FEC                             Federal Executive Council

FEPA                           Federal Environmental Protection Agency

FIS                              Forest Information System

FGN                            Federal Government of Nigeria                        

FHI                              Forest Herbarium Ibadan

FLD                             Federal Livestock Department

FMANR                       Federal Ministry of Agriculture and National Resources

FME                            Federal Ministry of Environment

FORMECU                 Forestry Management Evaluation and Coordinating Unit

FRIN                           Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria

FRS                             Forestry Resources Study

FTF                             Forestry Trust Fund

GCE                            General Certificate of Education

GEF                             Global Environment Facility

GIS                              Geographic Information System

HND                            Higher National Diploma

ICR                              Implementation Completion Report

IDA                             International Development Agencies

IDIs                             In- Depth- Interviews

IITA                             International Institute for Tropical Agriculture

IPM                             Integrated Pest Management

LGAs                           Local Government Areas

LUPAG                        Land Use Planning Agency

LUV                            Land Use and Vegetation

MAI                             Mean Annual Increment

MEMP                         Micro-watershed and Environmental Management Programme

NAERLS                     National Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services

NALDA                       Nigeria Agricultural Land Development Authority

NAP                            National Afforestation Programme

NCE                            National Certificate of Education

NCE                            National Council on Environmental

NCU                            National Coordinating Unit (of the NFAP)

NCF                            Nigerian Conservation Foundation

NEST                          Nigerian Environmental Study/Action Team

NFAP                          National Forestry Action Programme

NFDC                         National Forestry Development Committee

NFP                             National Forestry Programmes

NGOs                          Non-Governmental Organisations

NISER                         National Institute for Social and Economic Research

NTC                            Nigerian Tobacco Company

NTFPs                         Non-Timber Forest Products

ODA                            Overseas Development Administration

OND                           Ordinary National Diploma

OTV                            Out-Turn Volume

PEP                             Poverty Eradication Programme

PFRMP                       Participatory Forest Reserve Management Programme

PRA                             Participatory Rural Appraisal

RCU                            Regional Co-ordinating Unit

RS                               Remote Sensing

SAP                             Structural Adjustment Programme

SCU                            State Co-ordinating Unit

SFDs                           State Forestry Departments

TFAP                           Tropical Forests Action Programme

TOR                            Terms of Reference

TTC                             Teacher Training Certificate

TSS                             Tropical Shelter wood System

UAES                          Unified Agricultural Extension System

UNDP                         United Nations Development Programme

WASC                         West African School Certificate

WIA                            Women In Agriculture

WRI                             World Resource Institute


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