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Annex 10 : Insights from the first day discussion


The matrix for stakeholders classification is a good tool, but should be used on a country basis.

 Stakeholder classification: all the groups experienced problems à it can be only country based, but the use of categories might help.

 Stakeholders move about, change during time: their analysis should be continuous

 What is at stake in relation to our stake?

- values

organisations- not uniform

 Getting stakeholders to the table- more a difficult issue- How to manage?

 Relation between the actors-power shift

 Voluntary participation?

Indicators to track progress

Who plays a controlling role

 Sometimes aren’t we too rapid to bring them to the table to reach our objectives?

Raise awareness

Know what is at the stake

Not all what to sit around the table- accountability

 Who decide who want to sit around the table?

 Other ways of participation e.g.

Social enquiry

 Key elements of organisation. Imbalances

Key initiators (Government) = come up with tactical plan. What is most appropriate?

 Issue of ownership from Gov’t or from us = defined together

 Do the poor have the capacities to mobilise themselves?

 How do we plan the process?

Capacities of low power:

Start the process

Go to them

Support them

 Criteria are the same, indicators vary

 Maintaining stakeholders interest over  the time

 Use research, science as basis

 Importance and recognition of the scale: national à local

 Nature of groups boundaries: bound-unbound

 Basic assumption: ideal situation ßà political cultural situation

 Quality control

 Decide outputs

 Ensure prerequisite before starting the process


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