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The Council noted with satisfaction the steps which are being taken by the Director-General in order to meet specific requests for technical assistance from Member Nations and to implement the recommendations of the Conference regarding the development of activities and offices in the main regions of the world.

The Council requested the Director-General to report to its next session, after consultation with the Committee on Financial Control, on the administrative and financial problems involved in the setting up of the regional offices which are now being planned, in relation to the whole structure and general policies of FAO.

The Council approved the Director-General's proposal to convene the following meetings in the Far East:

Conference on Nutrition and on Fisheries, February 9–15

Conference on Rice, February 16–28

Conference on Regional FAO Office, March 1–3

and asked him to give consideration to the request of the representative of China that the last of these meetings be held in China at an appropriate date.

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