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Appendix D
Provisional Agenda for the Sixth Session of the Conference Rome, 19 November 1951

I. Procedure of the Conference

  1. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairmen. Appointment of General Committee and of Credentials Committee (Rule VIII of the Rules of Procedure)

  2. Adoption of the Agenda of the Session (Rule II)

  3. Organization of Commissions and Allocation of Agenda Items (Rules X 2 c and XIII)

  4. Admission of Observers to the Session (Rule XVII 4)

II. Constitutional and Legal Questions

  1. Interpretation of Date of Membership

    At its Special Session held in November 1950, the Conference made a provisional ruling to settle a controversy that had arisen regarding the actual date when the membership of certain members of the Interim Commission had become effective. It requested the Council to study all the implications of this ruling so that final settlement could be made at the Sixth Session of the Conference (see Report of Special Session, pp. 2 and 3).

  2. Admission of New Members to the Organization (Rule XIX)

  3. Election of Members of the Council

    In conformity with Rule XXIII, the terms of office of six members of the Council expire with each calendar year. Therefore, the Sixth Session of the Conference will have to fill the six vacancies occurring in 1951 as well as those which will occur in 1952. In addition, it will have to take similar action in relation to the six members of the Council whose terms of office were to have expired in 1950 but were prolonged for another year as an exceptional measure, by the Special Session of the Conference.

  4. Appointment of the Chairman of the Council

    Article V of the Constitution provides that the Conference shall appoint an independent Chairman of the Council, and Rule XXIV specifies that this appointment shall be for two years, and shall be placed on the Agenda of each regular Session of the Conference.

  5. Appointment of the Director-General

    The Special Session of the Conference reappointed the Honorable Norris E. Dodd as Director-General of FAO until the end of the next regular session of the Conference (see Report of Special Session, p. 4).

  6. Amendments to the Constitution and to the Rules of Procedure

  7. Emergency Action to Assist the United Nations in the Maintenance of Peace and Security

    The Economic and Social Council has requested Specialized Agencies to determine the procedures whereby they would lend their assistance to the General Assembly and other Organs of the United Nations in times of an emergency endangering the maintenance of peace and security.

  8. International Plant Protection Convention

    At its Special Session in November 1950, the Conference determined the procedure to be followed in order to permit final action at the Sixth Session on the draft International Plant Protection Convention (see Report of the Special Session, p. 11).

  9. Establishment of Latin-American Fisheries Council

    In conformity with a resolution of the Second Latin-American Regional Meeting, held in Montevideo in December 1950, an agreement setting up a Latin-American Fisheries Council will be presented to the Conference for approval.

III. Review of the World Situation in Respect of Food and Agriculture

  1. The Current World Situation

  2. Existing Trends in Agricultural Production and Consumption

  3. Improvement of Conditions for Increasing Agricultural Production
    1. Reform of Agrarian Structures
    2. Investment for Agricultural Development
    3. Migration
  4. International Commodity Problems

IV. Activities of FAO

  1. Long-Term Objectives and Associated Problems

  2. Director-General's Report on the Work of FAO

  3. Programs of Work for 1952 and 1953

  4. Expanded Program of Technical Assistance

  5. Principles of Forestry Policy

V. Administrative and Financial Questions

  1. Transfer and Establishment of Headquarters in Rome

  2. Regional Organization

  3. Financial Affairs

    1. Audited Accounts of Fifth Financial Year
    2. Financial Status of FAO, Collection of Contributions
    3. Levels of Income and Budgets for 1952 and 1953
    4. Scale of Contributions (see Report of Special Session, p. 23)
    5. Working Capital Fund
    6. Financial Regulations Regulations Governing the Currency of Contributions (see Report of Special Session, pp. 24 and 25)
    7. Financial Aspects of Expanded Program of Technical Assistance

  4. Adoption by FAO of United Nations Salary, Allowance, and Leave System

  5. Relations with the United Nations, the Specialized Agencies, and other International Organizations

Proposal of French delegation regarding the proliferation of international agencies (see Report of Special Session, p. 6).

VI. Other Matters

  1. Date and Place of Next Session of the Conference

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