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The pilot project in Eastern Province was intended to demonstrate the feasibility of producing fish for local consumption from water reservoirs and ponds and to provide a practical “laboratory” for methodology studies to help define the problems likely to arise in introducing small-scale fish farming into rural communities.

The methodology sought should ensure:

The design of the pilot project was guided by the results of four desk studies commissioned by ALCOM (FAO, 1987a). These studies identified socio-cultural, socio-economic, bio-environmental and bio-technical aspects of aquaculture relevant to its implementation in rural communities.

Eastern Province provided a good setting for carrying out the aims of the pilot project. There is not enough fish in rural areas, and the Department of Fisheries has established the basic infrastructure for fingerling production. There is now a felt need to enable rural communities to produce fish.

ALCOM was invited to address this need, and the pilot project was initiated in March 1987. Pilot project activities are closely associated with the staff of the Provincial Fish Culturist in Chipata. This paper covers the period up to April 1988.

By July 1987 three communities had been selected where rural aquaculture development activities could be undertaken and closely monitored.

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