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Bratton, M. 1979. ‘The social context of political penetration in rural Zambia: Ward Development Committees and Village Productivity Committees in Kasama District’. In: Honeybone D., and A. Marter (eds.), Poverty and Wealth in Rural Zambia. Communication No. 15 (University of Zambia). pp. 103–125.

Buch-Olsen, K. 1985. Nutrition and Health Survey in Chipata District Mnunkwa Area from 7-10-85 to 21-11-85. Chipata (Nutrition Group & Preventive Team of the Chipata General Hospital), 17 pp.

Central Statistical Office, 1985. 1980 Census of Population and Housing. Volume 1: General population and migration tables, Lusaka (CSO), 639 pp.

Cliffe, L. 1976. ‘Rural Political Economy of Africa’. In: Gutkind, P.C.W. and J. Wallerstein (eds.), The Political Economy of Contemporary Africa. Beverly Hills (Sage Publications), pp. 112–130.

Cliffe, L. 1977. ‘Labour Migration and Peasant Differentiation: Zambian Experiences’. The Journal of Peasant Studies. pp. 326–346.

Due, J.M. et al. 1984. Women's Contributions made Visible: of Farm and Market Women to Farming Systems and Household Incomes in Zambia, 1982. Urbana (University of Illinois), 45 pp.

Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project, 1986. Extension implementation survey. Chipata, 26 pp.

Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project, 1987, Project Completion Report. Chipata, July 1987 draft, 42 pp. + tables.

Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project, 1987. Farmer Characteristics, Practices and Contact Status - A report on the 1987 Crop and Plot Management Survey. Chipata, 22 pp.

Eastern Province Agricultural Development Project, 1987. Extension implementation survey. Chipata, 22 pp.

FAO, 1978. Freshwater fish farming - how to begin. Better farming series No. 27. Rome (FAO), 43 pp.

FAO, 1981. Better freshwater fish farming - the pond. Better farming series No. 29. Rome (FAO), 43 pp.

FAO, 1981. Better freshwater fish farming - the fish. Better farming series No. 30. Rome (FAO), 48 pp.

FAO, 1987. Socio-cultural, socio-economic, bio-environmental and bio-technical aspects of aquaculture in rural development. Reports prepared for the Aquaculture for Local Community Development Programme (GCP/INT/436/SWE.1). Rome (FAO/SIDA), 51 pp.

Fox, R. 1976, Kinship and Marriage. Middlesex (Penguin Books Ltd.) (7th ed.), 271 pp.

Gertzel, C. 1980. Two case studies in rural development'. In: Tordoff, W. (ed.), Administration in Zambia. (Manchester University Press), pp. 240–259.

Good, K. 1986. 'The reproduction of weakness in the state and agriculture: Zambian experience. African Affairs. April 1986, pp. 239–265.

Harvey, C. 1975. ‘Rural Credit in Zambia: Access and Exit’. Development and Change. 6 (2), pp. 89–105.

Harvey, C. 1976 ‘The Structure of Zambia Development’. In: Damachi, U.G., Routh, G. and A.R.E. Ali Taha (eds.), Development paths in Africa and China. London (MacMillan Press Ltd.) pp. 136–151.

L'Heureux, R. 1985. Economic feasibility of fish culture in Zambia. (TCP/ZAM/4405[A]) Rome (FAO), 99 pp.

Hurlich, S. 1986. Women in Zambia. Lusaka (CIDA), 344 pp.

Kanstrup, A. 1987. Women in Agricultural Societies in Eastern Co-operative Union. Chipata (ECU), 81 pp.

Long, N. 1968. Social change and the individual - A study of the social and religious responses to innovation in a Zambian rural community. Manchester (Manchester University Press), 257 pp.

Marter, A. 1979. ‘Conclusion - Policy implications of the Studies’. In: Honeybone, D. and A. Marter (eds.), Poverty and Wealth in Rural Zambia. Communication No. 15 (University of Zambia), pp. 138–147.

Ministry of Decentralization, Eastern Province, 1986. Fourth National Plan for Eastern Province (1987–1991). Chipata (MCC's Office), 132 pp.

Molnar, J.J. Schwartz, N.B. and L.L. Lovshin 1985 ‘Integrated Aquaculture Development - Sociological issues in the cooperative management of community fish ponds’ Sociologic Ruralis. 15 (1), pp. 61–80.

Ng'andwe, C.O.M. 1976. ‘African traditional land tenure and agricultural development: case study of the Kunda people in Jumbe.’ African Social Research. 21 (6) pp. 51–67.

Pollnac, R.B. 1987. People's participation in the small-scale Fisheries development cycle. Paper presented at the Consultation on People's Participation in Small-scale Fisheries Projects, B.O.B.P., India 5–9 May 1987, 21 pp.

PPU and PAO, 1984. Agricultural blueprint for Eastern Province 1985–1990. Chipata, 54 pp.

Pressat, R. 1978. Statistical demography. (Cambridge University Press), 150 pp.

Roberts, R.A.J. and C. Elliott, 1971. ‘Constraints in Agriculture’. In: Elliott, C. (ed.), Constraints on the economic development of Zambia. Nairobi (Oxford University Press), pp. 269–297.

Sahlins, M.D. 1968. Tribesmen. Englewood Cliffs (Prentice-Hall, Inc.) 1968, 118 pp.

Skjonsberg, E. 1981. The Kefa Records-Everyday life among women and men in a Zambian village. U-Landsseminarets skriftserie, Nr. 21, Oslo (University of Oslo), 73 pp.

Sluijer, J. 1983. Le role de la femme dans la pisciculture a Bangui, Republique Centrafricaine. Wageningen (Agricultural University), 19 pp.

Trottier, B. 1987. ‘Women in aquaculture production in West Africa’. In: Nash, C.E., Engle, C.R. and D. Crosetti (eds.), Women in Aquaculture. FAO ADCP/REP/87/28, pp. 17–28.

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