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Annex 1

Source: Central Statistical Office, census of 1980/85

Total population 757 000 (85); 82% rural, 18% urban

No. of household 162 600 (85 projection, 141 508 (80)

Household size 4.8 (80)

37.2% are women-headed households (in Zambia 32.7%) in rural Northern Province depending on high emigration of men in active age 20–29.

Population density: 5.1 persons/km2 (85), per km2 available for cultivation 9.0 persons/km2.

99.8% of Northern Province population are stated to be African; the rest is of European and Asian origin.

Expected life-time of rural Northern Province: men 46.5 (48.5), women 52.4 (50.9) Zambian rural figures within brackets.

Total labour force 186.00 (80), of which 17 170 (80) are employed in the formal sector 9%.

Population growth rate: 3.64% (1985–90) per year.


Available cultivated land: 89 105 (ha or acres?) gives 0.54/household.

Staple food: maize, cassava, fingermillet


42.2% (men 35.3, women 48.8) of the Zambian population have no schooling (1980).

In Northern Province the highest rate of school-attendance is found in the ages between 10–14, when 73.1% of the boys and 65.1% of the girls attend (Zambian figures are 74.1 and 70.6).

10.3% of the primary pupils in Northern Province enroll in Secondary School, 33.1% of them being girls (36.2% for Zambia).

Of the total number of households in Northern Province, the head of the household in 45% of the cases has no schooling at all. Just as many have primary school education, and 9% have secondary education or higher.

Among the women-headed households as many as 65% have no schooling at all. 30% have primary education and 3% secondary or higher education.

These figures become even more marked if the situation of rural Northern Province is distinguished. Here 67% of the heads of female households lack schooling. 30% have primary school education.

Compiled by Rolf Larsson, Socio-economist (APO)

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