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Appendix 2

The Mwenje dam committee formulated management plans for the dam, with assistance from ALCOM. The plans came into force in July 1993. The plan document is reproduced below.

The Mwenje Dam was built by the government in 1961 mainly for irrigation of commercial farms. The communal farmers in the VIDCO surrounding it use the dam for fishing to supplement incomes and to obtain an alternative relish in their diet.

The fishery resources have been managed until recently by the Department of National Parks and Wild Life Management. The department has delegated its authority to manage the fisheries to the Mazowe District Council who in turn have authorized the Mwenje Dam Committee to manage the dam.

The fishery resources have suffered over-exploitation due to uncontrolled use of illegal fishing gear in addition to gill nets. This had resulted in lower yields and small fish being caught. Through a participatory approach the community around Mwenje Dam have been assisted by ALCOM in institution - building and fisheries technology. These have resulted in the setting up of the Mwenje Dam Committee and the formulation of fishing by-laws for the Mazowe Rural District Council.


These management plans were made by the Mwenje Dam Committee for the benefit of communities around the dam. The communities utilize the fish resources to supplement their diet and income.

Main Objectives

The main objective of the management plan is controlled use of the fishery resources in Mwenje Dam in such a manner that the fish contributes to

for the communities around the dam.

The Mwenje Dam is to be managed as a community property for the VIDCOs (Village Development Committees) of Chemadzimbabwe, Nyachuru, Munyengeterwa and Mufuka.


The desired outputs from the management plans are

Indicators or Targets

Increased size of fish.
Increased fish yields.
Reduced poaching.
Increased income for the Dam Committee.
Increased income for gillnet fishermen.

Who shall manage Mwenje Dam?

The Mwenje dam shall be managed by the Mwenje Dam Committee under the supervision of the National Resources Committee who in turn are accountable to the Rural District Council. The chairman of Mwenje Dam Committee shall be responsible for the administration of the committee. He shall report periodically to the NRC and RDC. He shall also report to the Dam Committee any instructions, directives or resolutions from the NRC or RDC to the committee members.

All committee members are responsible for the day-to-day management of Mwenje Dam. The fish warden within the Dam Committee shall be responsible for enforcing the fish by-laws of Mwenje Dam.

How shall Mwenje Dam be managed?

Mwenje Dam shall be managed as a community property for Chemadzimbabwe, Nyachuru, Munyengaterwa and Mufuka using the Mazowe Rural District Council fishing by-laws for Mwenje Dam.

Fish wardens (2 from each VIDCO) shall be employed to police the dam. The fish wardens will have the right to demand that any fisherman in Mwenje show his licence. They are authorized to arrest people without licences. Fish wardens shall collect money from rod and line fishermen. All fishermen are encouraged to pay licence fees to the following ticket - sellers:

in Munyengehurwa- Mr. Jeffrey Kanengoni
in Nyachuru- Mr Cornelius Kaviya
in Chimadzimbabwe- Mr Walton Dzangare

Fishermen shall request a receipt for any money handed to these ticket sellers. All ticket sellers are responsible for the money until it is handed over to the treasurer of the Dam Committee.

What shall be used in fishing?

Only two types of gear shall be used in Mwenje Dam. These are:

Gillnets shall have the minimum stretched mesh size of 3 1/2". A fisherman shall be allowed to have only one gillnet. In order to use a gillnet, fishermen shall pay $20 per month for a fishing licence to the Dam Committee. All gillnets shall bear the name of the fisherman on a tag.

Rod and line or hand lines shall have not more than 3 hooks on each line. A fisherman shall use up to 3 lines only.

Who shall fish in Mwenje Dam?

Only those with licences shall fish in Mwenje Dam. There are four types of fishing licences.

1. A gillnet fishing licence.

This is for residents of Chemadzimbabwe, Nyachuru, Munyenteterwa and Mufuka only. Each VIDCO mentioned above shall have a minimum of 8 gillnet fishermen. Each gillnet shall be 100 meters long and have a minimum mesh size of 3 1/2". The VIDCO may decide how to distribute the eight licences allocated to their committee. No gillnet licence is transferable without the written consent of the Dam Committee. Non-residents shall not be eligible for a gillnet licence. Gillnet licence holders may be required to submit catch records for management purposes.

2. A subsistence hook and line licence

2a There shall be two types of subsistence hook and line licences. Residents of the four VIDCOs mentioned above shall obtain a twelve month licence worth $10.00. Holders of this licence can fish between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. any day of the year. A gillnet fisherman can obtain a subsistence hook and line licence. Permanent workers on the commercial farm shall be eligible for the resident's subsistence hook and line licence. Single licence allows only one member of the householder to fish. Additional members obtain a daily licence which is the same as that for non-residents.

2b Non-residents shall obtain a daily subsistence hook and line licence. This licence is worth 50c. Daily licences can be obtained from:

in Munyengehurwa- Mr. Jeffrey Kanengoni
in Nyachuru- Mr Cornelius Kaviya
in Chimadzimbabwe- Mr Walton Dzangare

3. Sport fisherman's rod and line licences

Sport fishermen shall obtain sport fishermen's licences. This licence shall be $5.00 per day. This allows the sport fisherman to use a boat to fish in the dam. A sport fisherman shall have a bag limit of five bass per day.

N.B. All licence holders shall produce their licences on demand by members of the Dam Committee/fish wardens. All fish licence holders shall keep their licence with them and these shall be produced upon request.

How much can a fisherman catch?

For rod and line fishing there is no limit (at present) to how many fish and which fish species can be caught. The exception is bass. Bass that are less than 15cm in size shall be returned live into the water.

Where shall people fish?

People who use rod and line can fish everywhere except in areas marked breeding areas on the map. These areas will also have notices clearly marked.

Fishermen who use gillnets shall fish in their traditional fishing areas. If the Dam Committee decides to change the fishing area or close some areas to protect fishery resources, fishermen will be informed. The effective date of any change or closure shall be clearly stated.

When shall people fish?

Fishing is allowed throughout the day. No rod and line fishermen shall be allowed to fish after dark.

The schedule of licence fees and fines is given below:

Schedule 1

Fishing with gillnets without a licence, seine netting and fishing with kamukore, throw nets, mosquito nets, reed traps, bottle traps, basket traps and kokomba is illegal.

Fees for fishing in Mwenje Dam:

Gillnets$20.00 per day
Long line$50.00 per day

Hook and line from the shore:

Residents$1.00 per month
 $10.00 per year
Outsiders$50c per day
Hook and line from boat:$5.00 per day

Fines for illegal fishing

Hook and line$5.00
Throw net (javu)$300.00
Reed trap$200.00
Bottle trap$50.00
Basket trap(duwo)$50.00
Mosquito net$300.00
Sack cloth$300.00

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