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CARE/ODA/BRAC: “Paddy/fish pilot project”, undated draft.

Department of Agriculture, Luapula Province, Zambia, 1992: Provincial crop production, final crop forecast by crop. Unpublished.

Edwards, P. et al., 1988: “Research and education for the development of integrated crop-livestock-fish farming systems in the tropics”; ICLARM Studies and Reviews, 16. ICLARM, Manila.

FAO, 1992: “Manuel pour le dèveloppement de la pisciculture à Madagascar”; FI:DP/MAG/88/005, Document Technique no. 4, UNDP and FAO.

NAGA, 1992: The ICLARM Quarterly, Vol. 15, no. 3.

Republic of Zambia, 1988: Statistical yearbook for Luapula Province.

Scalia, P., 1987: “Project Schemes And Studies For The Development of Settler Irrigation” GCP/ZAM/032/ITA, FAO.

Survey Department, 1992: Vegetation and Climate, Lusaka.

Vincke, P. et al., 1985: “Fish culture in rice fields” in Rice Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, Proceedings of the 16th session of the International Rice Commission, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines, FAO.

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