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Annex IX
Data Processing Programme

The data processing programme was prepared on Dbase III+. The programme contains the following files:

In addition, index files are generated by running the programme. The documentation for the programme is found in *.PRG. The programme is menu-driven and can be used without knowledge of Dbase commands. Users should generate index files by executing the option of “Data organization” from the main menu.

19 Data processing programme was prepared for the survey by Mr Dachi. The programme can be repeatedly used for future surveys of this kind.

Data entry option

Data entry is composed of three options: a) Fish farming unit particulars (Form I), b) Pond particulars (Form I and II), and c) Fish farming households (Form II). An example of data entry screen is shown below.


File export and import functions aim at facilitating checking and validation of data in DBF files. If you export DBF files, the programme will generate text files that contain all the data contained in one or two columns. Users can check the data field by field and note errors accordingly.

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