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Details of the recommendations are given in Chapter 8 of ALCOM report no. 9. An abbreviated version is presented here.


The recommendations can be classified into three parts as follows:

  1. Advice & assistance to farmers/fishermen
  2. Contacts with Ministry of Finance, etc
  3. Organization of A.D.U. (Aquaculture Development Unit)

The recommendations take account of:

6.1 Advice and assistance to farmers/fisherman

6.1.1 Preparation

Goal: Contribute to economic growth

* First, from ADU Headquarters, organize through field based personnel of ADU or other government departments:

On the basis of these data:

* in the FIELD, undertake these studies:

  1. In areas with stagnant rural economies & apparent surplus of water and land, but no fish ponds (because of possibility of consumption effect & economic growth effects), find out:

  2. In areas with growing agricultural economies and fish ponds (in use), find out:

6.1.2 Implementation of programme


  1. Farmers do the work.
  2. Technology partly determined by relative availability of factors of production.

Areas with stagnant economy:

  1. Inform farmer about prospects of fish farming: he decides whether or not to go in for it.
  2. No permanent extension as long as economy remains stagnant.
  3. First priority: Good ponds.
  4. Second priority: Help fish to reach markets.
  5. Move on to next area when farmers have been reached.

Figure 15

Selection of priority areas for fish farming introduction and expansion

 Stagnant rural economyDynamic rural economy (1)
Introduce fish farmingFigure 15 (2)  
Expand fish farming Figure 15 (3) 

1. And close to full employment
2. Priority for introduction - areas where land and water are freely available
3. Increases income per man-day

Areas with growing economies and fish ponds:

(i) Advice meant to increase earnings/man-day

6.1.3 Maintaining activities up to date

  1. Monitor rural economy
  2. Developments in fish culture technology
  3. Developments in fish markets
  4. Internal audit of effectiveness/efficiency.

6.2 Establish and pursue Government contacts

6.2.1 Mobilization of funds

6.2.2 Collaboration with other departments:

6.3 Organization of A.D.U.

6.3.1 Staff

6.3.2 Infrastructure

6.3.3 Activities

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