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Study of ICARA project/farming systems

Formal interview with Fish Scout

  1. Name :

  2. Location :

  3. Chief :

  4. Arrival at post :

  5. How many fish farmers are you servicing?

  6. How often do you visit them?

  7. When farmers ask you to see them, what are their reasons?

  8. What type of services are you offering the farmers?

  9. What is your mode of transport?

  10. How many people have come to you over the last year announcing their interest in fish farming?

  11. Over the last year, how many new farmers have actually taken up fish farming in your area?

  12. How did these new fish farms come about? By what means?

  13. Did you assist them?

    Yes No

    If yes, in what way?

    If no, why not?

  14. From where did these farmers obtain fingerlings?

  15. From where do they obtain inputs?

  16. How do these new farmers harvest their fish?

  17. What do they do with their harvests?

  18. What do you think is the main reason for these farmers to take up fish farming?

  19. Over the last year, how many farmers have given up fish farming?

  20. What do you think are the reasons?

  21. How many of your farmers do intermittent harvesting? Why?

  22. For the average household, how much do you think is taken out by intermittent harvesting as compared to major harvests?

  23. What do farmers do with their major harvests? What do you estimate to be the average productivity in the area?

  24. If sold, to where, how and at what price?

  25. Are people satisfied with the amount of fish from major harvests or do they express disappointment?

  26. What are the reasons to the present low level of productivity? How can it be increased?

  27. What do you think are the main factors constraining farmers up-take of fish farming in your area? How can this be solved?

  28. How are the farmers provided with fingerlings?

  29. How are the farmers organizing their work on the fish ponds? Work division within the households? Feeding/Fertilizing? Seasonal variations? Maintenance?

  30. Are any farmers doing integrated fish farming with domestic animals?

  31. In what way have your working conditions changed over the last year?

  32. What do you consider to be your main constraint in conveying your message to the farmers?

  33. Are there any fish wardens in your area? If so, what are they doing and what support do they get? Changes?

  34. Are there any fish farmers committees in your area? If so, what is their function? Are they active? Changes?

  35. How often are you visited/visit your superiors? Do you get the support needed for you to carry out your tasks smoothly? Explain.

  36. What do you think are the best measures to make fish farming a success in your area?

Check on: Production figures from latest major harvests for practising farmers -changes in productivity.

Check records and problems documented.

Records of new and potential farmers
- ponds constructed.

Records of abandoned farmers
- ponds abandoned.

General impressions/comments

What is the current price for:

 Fresh fish from pondsFresh fish caught in rivers/streams
Sold at pond site  
Sold at local market (state where)  
Sold at urban/ semi-urban market (state where)  
Sold otherwise (state)  

What is the current price for:

 Processed fish from pondsProcessed fish caught in rivers/streams
Sold from homestead  
Sold at local market (state)  
Sold at urban/ semi-urban market (state)  
Sold otherwise (state)  

What is the current daily wage for doing manual agricultural piecework (for example, digging fish ponds)?

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