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Gildo Pivetta, Development Counselor, Delegation of the European Commission to the Philippines, and Daniel Plas, Senior Programme Officer, Delegation of the European Commission to the Philippines

Presentation objectives

Policy overview

Development cooperation: Article 177 of the Treaty establishing the European Community

Six pillars of development policies (Statement on Development Policy in 2001)

Rural development policies (policy and approach to rural development 15 June 2000)

Rural development in the Philippines

In the Philippines this is done through Area Development Projects with main elements: strengthening of peoples' organisations, local government institutions and rural finance institutions, providing rural infrastructure, natural resource management and technology transfer on agriculture (including fisheries and aquaculture based) and non-agricultural fields.

Support in the area of fisheries and aquatic resources included:

Problems with the adoption of technologies by beneficiaries included:

A general trend in designing development cooperation interventions is towards a lesser dependence on project-focused interventions and toward sector programmes where possible. Another trend is to provide more support to the social sectors such as health and education. The Philippines is a case in point where the National Indicative Programme (2002-2004) has programmed about half of the development cooperation resources to a health sector support programme.

Fisheries development policies

The EC Fisheries Development Policies are derived from the Council Resolution on Fisheries and Poverty Reduction 14 November 2001.

Sectoral approach

Political dialogue is increasingly important and therefore should be taken up in the formulation of the Country Strategy Papers and National Indicative Programming documents. It is recognized that this has not yet sufficiently taken place. [This approach] assists countries in drawing-up and implementing a strategy for sustainable development in the fishery sector.

The Commission will adhere to the principles formulated in various international agreements, such as Montego Bay 1982, Rio de Janeiro 1992, Rome 1995, Kyoto 1995 and the 28th FAO Conference on the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries:

Principle 1

Optimal use of biological resources in the countries Exclusive Economic Zones

Principle 2

Coastal states to determine the capacity of exploiting biological resources and can allow other states exploit the surplus of admissible catch

Principle 3

Environmental concerns shall be integrated in all development processes

Principle 4

Cautionary principle

Principle 5

Local communities must be made responsible

Principle 6

Fishing levels must be in proportion to production capacity

Principle 7

Joint management of resources at sub-regional, regional and world levels

Principle 8

Importance small-scale fishing

Principle 9

International trade in fish must not have adverse effects on the environment

Implementation measures

Interventions related to economic development

Main instruments of the European Commission

Development cooperation instruments

Bilateral assistance

The majority of assistance is bilateral assistance, which is programmed through Country Strategy Papers and related National Indicative Programming for both Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) countries and the Asia and Latin American countries.

Country Strategy Papers are part of the political dialogue between the EC and the Partner Countries and cover all aspects of their relationship including political, trade and development issues. When available, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) adopted by partner governments are important elements in planning development interventions.

Horizontal budget lines

Horizontal budget lines are global thematic instruments and are implemented through calls for tenders which are available at the website of the European Commission Co-operation Office. There is no separate budget line for fisheries or aquatic resources, but interventions in these areas have been supported through the environment budget line and the NGO co-financing budget line.

Regional indicative programmes

A Regional Indicative Programme with the Pacific Forum for 29 million Euro and a duration of five years, which was signed in October 2002 as part of the ACP programme. On Sustainable Natural Resource and Environmental Planning and Policy:

Other support

The FISHBASE programme (implemented by ICLARM) was co-funded by the EC under ACP funding.

Research instruments

The EC supports the CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural for Research Activities.

Research framework programmes

The funding cycles of the Research Framework Programmes numbers one through five have been complete. The sixth framework programme 2002 to 2006 will be implemented in three phases in 2003-2004 and 2005. Main themes related to environment will include:

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