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This Field Manual is the fourth in the series of Field Manuals prepared by the UNDP/FAO Regional Forest Tree Improvement Project (FORTIP). It is specifically designed for field workers engaged in tree improvement activities. It outlines the basic concepts and describes the methodologies used in the establishment of seed orchards.

The Field Manual was prepared by Mr. L. Schmidt, Associate Professional Officer, in consultation with Mr. P. Havmoller, Tree Improvement Expert and Dr. N. Q. Zabala, Tree Propagation Specialist.

We hope our readers will find this manual useful.

Dr. K. Vivekanandan
Chief Technical Adviser
Project Coordinator

Los Baños, Philippines
August, 1993


The establishment of seed orchards follows in time the selection of plus trees (see Field Manual No. 2) in the tree improvement programme. A seed stand is sometimes introduced in the programme as an interim source of seeds until seeds produced from the seed orchard becomes available (see FM No. 3).

The seed orchards represent a more advanced step, since the genetic worth of the trees has at this stage usually been verified by progeny tests.

The purpose of establishing a seed orchard is to produce large quantity of improved seeds. The management for seed production often implies the use of silvicultural practice other than the conventional one used for promoting wood production.

Seed orchards have a crucial role in the tree improvement programme, since they function both as the breeding population (the basis for further improvement) and as the propagation population, the latter directly connected to the plantation establishment.

Establishment of clonal seed orchards implies the skill of vegetative propagation, either in terms of macropropagation (grafting, cutting, air-layering) or micropropagation (tissue culture). For details on these subjects reference is made to other Field Manuals in the series.

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