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There is no fixed time when watering must be done. The amount of water needed by seedlings depends on the species, the weather, the soil, the age of the seedlings and how they are being managed.
Tree seedlings are just like crop or vegetable seedlings. If you understand the ideas behind how much water they need you will learn quickly by experience.

Seedlings that don't have enough water wilt and don't grow to be big enough. However slight wilting during the hottest part of the day is not a problem.
Seedlings that are getting too much water become yellowish and will be too fleshy, soft and leafy.
Soil in seedtrays, seedbeds or in polypots with recently pricked-out seedlings must be kept moist but not soaked.

This means they should be watered frequently but with only a little water each time .... for instance 2 or more times a day.
For seed trays, seedbeds and recently pricked out seedlings you must use a fine spray on the watering can so that the seed or seedlings are not damaged. Or you can stand the seedtrays in a container of water for 10–20 minutes twice a day.
Larger seedlings will only need to be watered once a day, in the late afternoon or early evening. If it's very hot they may need watering once early in the day as well.

The naike must check the soil in beds and polypots to see if they need watering.…
Check to see if the soil is moist to about 15–20cm deep. If it is dry then it needs watering.

If water starts to form puddles on the top of the soil stop watering and leave the bed for 5 or 10 minutes.
Once the water has passed into the soil check to see if it's moist to 15–20cm again. If it's not give it more water. When the soil is moist (but not soaked) to 15–20cm it has enough water.
Keep the beds free of weeds and crusted soil which both slow down water entering the soil.
A few weeks before the seedlings are to be distributed start to cut down gradually on the amount of water the seedlings are given to harden them and prepare them for planting out.

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