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1.   Peter Normal, “Food Science” Fourth Edition. The AVI Publishing Company, Inc. 1986

2.   Peter Fellows, “Guidelines for small-scale fruit and Vegetable processors” Midway Technology, HayLtd, St. Oswalds Barn Clifford, Hay on Wye, Hereford, United Kingdom. 1997. FAO Agricultural Services bulletin 127

3.   Peter Fellow, B. Axtell, M. Dillon, “Quality Assurance for small -scale rural food industries” Midway Technology Ltd. Northampoton, united Kingdom.1995. FAO Agricultural Services bulletin 117

3.   “Rural processing and Preservation Technology for Fruit and vegetable” FAO of the United Nations

4.   “Technical manual on small-scale Processing of fruits and vegetables” FAO Regional Office For Latin America and Caribbean, Santiago, Chile. 1997

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